Why there is tides in sea and ocean


Answer 1


   Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels. Tides occur due to the gravitational forces exerted on the Earth by moon, and to a lesser extent, the sun. That's why tides occur in ocean or sea.

Hope this helps


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How do fission nuclear reactions differ from fusion nuclear reactions?

A. Fission reactions involve the conversion of matter into energy, but fusion reactions do not.

B. Fusion reactions involve the conversion of matter into energy, but fission reactions do not.

C. Fission reactions are used to generate electricity for consumers, but fusion reactions are not.

D. Fusion reactions are used to generate electricity for consumers, but fission reactions are not.




Both fission and fusion are nuclear reactions that produce energy, but their applications differs.

 Fission is the splitting of a large (heavy, unstable) nucleus into smaller ones, and fusion is the process where nuclei of small atoms are combine together to form the nuclei of larger atoms releasing vast amounts of energy.

The correct answer is c. Fission reactions are used to generate electricity for consumers, but fusion reactions are not.

The physics of fusion is the process that makes the sun shine, and that makes the hydrogen bomb explode.




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What is the goal of aggression? A. To be a negative role model.
B. To keep anger focused on you.
C. To be a positive role model.
D. To remove the obstacle that's causing frustration.

Please hurry!


The answer to the question is D. To remove the obstacle that's causing frustration. In aggression, one uses hostile behavior to confront an obstacle, often another individual. The behavior is often violent and is used to get rid of the obstacle that is causing the aggressor frustration.

The goal of aggression is D. To remove the obstacle that's causing frustration.

Further explanation

Aggression is the numerous purposes and different types of actions and also factors causing a person to hurt themselves. According to the dictionary, aggression is the behavior aimed at harming others in physically or psychologically. The goal people choosing aggression because of the frustration.  When a person wants the type of thing to achieve, but hindered by a certain type of circumstance they tend to be aggressive over their actions to remove the obstacle that's causing frustration.

The examples of aggression are including physical violence such as biting, hitting, and kicking. The other also verbal hostility for example sending threatening messages through emails, phone calls, or social media, also making threats against people's life, shouting, and swearing.

There are three types of aggression such as:

  1. Reactive-expressive for example: verbal and physical aggression
  2. Reactive-inexpressive, for example: hostility
  3. Proactive-relational aggression, for example: aggression that breaking human relationships, such by circulating malicious rumours

Hope it helps!

Learn more

  1. Learn more about aggression brainly.com/question/12826092
  2. Learn more about anger brainly.com/question/8045188
  3. Learn more about  role model brainly.com/question/4451823

Answer details

Grade: 9

Subject: Physicology

Chapter:  aggression

Keywords: aggression, anger,   role model, frustration, obstacle

Examine the weather map and locate this symbol.Air, Weather, and Climate, Part 2
Which is likely to occur in these areas?

clear skies


heat and humidity

high winds


Is your answer:))))

A cart is set up as shown below, with three fans directed to the left and two of the fans running. The motion of the cart is represented by the v vs t graph shown. If the experiment were repeated with all three fans running, what might the resulting v vs t graph look like?


The force of 3 fans would be grater than the force of 2 fans. 
So the cart would have greater acceleration to the right, and
it would reach a greater speed to the right.  The resulting
'v' vs 't' graph would have a greater positive slope, and would
be higher at any given time.

You might get a better answer if you let us actually SEE the
picture and the graph.

 The resulting  

'v' vs 't' graph would have a greater positive slope, and would  

be higher at any given time.