What did the colonies of maryland and pennsylvania have in common?


Answer 1

What the colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania have in common is that they were both places of religious tolerance.

Maryland was created by Lord Baltimore and was intended to be a refuge for catholics living in Britain whereas Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1681, he was a Quaker. This colony was dominated by the Quaker religious beliefs and values. However there was still religious freedom for other beliefs.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Maryland and Pennsylvania were founded as havens for religious groups seeking freedom from persecution, had English settlers who cultivated agricultural land, and adopted representative forms of government.


The colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania had several similarities in common. Firstly, both colonies were founded as havens for religious groups seeking freedom from persecution. Maryland was founded as a Catholic colony, while Pennsylvania was founded as a Quaker colony.

Secondly, both colonies had a large population of English settlers who owned and cultivated agricultural land. However, the economies of the two colonies differed, with Maryland being primarily focused on tobacco cultivation and Pennsylvania being known for its diverse agricultural practices.

Lastly, both colonies adopted representative forms of government, with elected assemblies that had the power to make laws and govern the colonies.

Learn more about Colonial similarities between Maryland and Pennsylvania here:



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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "D. the revolt by the conflicting national groups in the Austro-Hungarian Empire." The event or sentiment that was NOT influenced by nationalism is the revolt by the conflicting national groups in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


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//////The answer is 1950/////

Final answer:

Georgia added the 12th grade to its school system in 1945 in order to emphasize education more and to align with the educational structure of other states.


The state of Georgia officially added the 12th grade to its education system in the year 1945. Before this year, high school in Georgia typically ended with the 11th grade. This change was made due to an increased emphasis on education and also to align Georgia's school system with the systems in other states, where high school was commonly a four-year endeavor, from grades 9 to 12. The addition of the 12th grade intended to further prepare students for college and future careers.

Learn more about Adding 12th Grade here:



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all or most of ancieant aztec sivilisation has been discovered in mexico. im going with mexico

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