If your coworker is upset about a disagreement with her supervisor, you should


Answer 1
Answer: I'd say listen to her then go back to work.
Answer 2




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In classical conditioning a stimulus is any event or situation that



evokes a response.        


Classical conditioning: The term classical conditioning is proposed by a psychologist named Ivan Pavlov after experimenting with dogs. According to him, classical conditioning is described as the behavior that is being learned through a repetitive association or exposure between the stimulus and the response.

Stimulus: Here, in the process of classical conditioning the stimulus works as an event or situation that evokes or leads to a specific response. The response to any stimulus will depend on the content of the stimulus. Every stimulus will have a different response.

In the question above, in classical conditioning, a stimulus is any event or situation that evokes a response.

How does an increase in an excise tax on cars affect the supply of cars?a. More cars will be made.
b. Fewer cars will be made.
c. Supply will stay the same.
d. Supply will increase. Reset Selection


The correct answer is letter B. Fewer cars will be made. The increase in an excise tax on cars affect the supply of car by having "fewer cars will be made." Because of the increase of tax, it will also manifest an increase in amount of production and increase in selling price.

Why is deforestation bad for animal habitats


It is bad for animals because the animals would then have no home or place to live.

The 14th Amendment gave citizenship to all former slaves.
a. true
b. false


A true it have them rights and freedom

Brian is considering a job offer. Incentives for taking the job may include _____.a. long commute
b. high salary
c. benefit package
d. safe work environment e. manageable work schedule


The incentives which Brian might consider when considering his job offer would be th length of his commute (a shorter one being more incentivized), a high salary (b), benefit package (c), as well as a safe work environment and a manageable work schedule.

So in reality, the incentives for Brian's job offer might include B, C, D, and E. 
b. high salary, c. benefit package, d. safe work environment, and e. manageable work schedule 

Suppose that a couple has a 75 percent chance of conceiving a child with a lifelong, painful genetic disorder. Who makes the decision about whether the couple should try to conceive?



The couples


Being that they are the one to cater for the kid, they hold the sole decision to make whether they can cope and take care of the kids should the chance when conceived fall within the stated 75%