In your own words, describe how "Tintern Abbey" reflects the characteristics of romanticism.


Answer 1
Answer: William Wordsworth's poem Tintern Abbey fulfills the characteristics of romanticism in several ways. Firstly, the poem explores the author's emotions. Romantic literature is known for being emotional. It also uses reminiscence (which is often unique to Wordsworth) to speak about this emotion. It also discusses nature and how it affects the narrator. It also uses common language, which the Romantics believed was important. Hope this helps.
Answer 2

In his poem "Tintern Abbey," Wordsworth describes the natural beauty of the abbey and the ability of its surroundings to give him peace. Like most romantic poems, it emphasizes the power of nature to heal. The poet also refers to his sister in the poem, introducing a personal detail from his own life. This practice of referring to incidents or people in the poet’s life became a mainstay in romantic poetry. Mourning the loss of nature due to industrialization, and the taking over of woods and streams by cities, was also a common theme in many romantic poems. In "Tintern Abbey," the poet mourns the loss of the mountains and gloomy woods he loved as a boy, but suggests that the moments he spent with nature have the power to console him even in the din of the crowded city.


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How do images or word pictures help you experience a scene in the excerpt "The Day of Destiny"?


The images or word pictures used in the excerpt of “The Day of Destiny” is indeed  helpful in really experiencing the scene and understanding the text. These pictures and images can improve the meaning of the text and even provide a more colorful and a deeper one. These images also support reading and comprehension easily and quickly. It may also help to develop the writing potential of the reader and is used effectively for visual and kinesthetic learners.

The images or word pictures in the excerpt of "The Day of Destiny" helped me to express/show the scenes or situations it helps us to make meaningful and clear description.

Further Explanation:

The images or word pictures used in the excerpt of “The Day of Destiny” is useful to show the reality and build the scenario of that scene. Images help us to quickly understand the scenario. Pictures or images help to provide the text more meaningful and realistic. It also helps to improve the writing potential of reader. Writers paint word pictures or images that intrigue to our faculties of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch  and in exposition piece.

1. Why do we use images?

A large level of the human brain devotes itself to visual handling. Our affection for pictures lies with our discernment and capacity to focus. Pictures can capture our attention easily, Bright colors capture our consideration in light of the fact that our minds are wired to respond to them.

2. Sight:

Keep in mind, what your character sees is the thing that your reader sees, and in the event that you neglect to depict without question, your reader won't completely appreciate the scene. However, there is such thing as a lot of depiction.

3. Sound:

Whether it’s characters or background noise, remember to add a sense of sound to the narrative to help your reader feel the scene. This could be the chirping of birds in the morning or the fog horn of the ships at the harbor.

4. Smell:

By adding the feeling of smell to your composition, you make an unobtrusive feeling of environment and add another layer to your description sections for your reader to appreciate. This is a frequently neglected sense, yet it can give foundation shading to your story.

5. Taste:  

This is perhaps the most neglected sense in writing. Eating can be a shared, sensual pastime. Arouse your reader’s taste buds. Was the apple pie warm and delicious and make the character remember the pies their grandmother made or was it barely edible and tasted of cardboard?

6. Touch:

You can describe the feel of material of a character's dress, the feel of a child's skin, the roughness of the ropes binding your character's wrists thus considerably more to add to your depiction.

Subject: English

Level: High school

Keyword: Why do we use images, Touch, Taste, Sound, Smell, Sight

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B. Will the young lovers live happily ever after? The prologue says that a "pair of star-crossed lovers" will kill themselves, and the feud between the families ends when they die.

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The correct answer is parallel plot structure.

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