Modern stage lighting is a tool used in the production of theater, dance, opera, and other performance art.a. true
b. false


Answer 1
Answer: the answer is a true

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Which statements about Mycenaean, Teotihuacán, and Japanese face masks are true?Choose only statements that apply to ALL three groups.

Some were placed in tombs or worn during theater performances.

They were decorative rather than functional works of art.

They are lifelike and resemble specific people.

They could be made with beaten gold, carved wood, or tesserae in the mosaic technique.


The answers are A & D.


the answer is A & D



Why didn’t color photography become popular among artists until the 1960s?


The pictures and camera's before that time were not as graphic.
My reason being is because they were like old news paper , faded , draggy , and blurry.

I really hope that this helps you out a lot.

Why did artists of the Renaissance rely on mathematical formulas?



To create realistic artworks.


How realistic? The difference between the Renaissance art style and its predecessors is the use of perspective. A perspective is created using three or more points, and parallel lines that converge in a vanishing point. This idea is only possible with the use of mathematics because the perspective tends to distort and reduce the size of distant elements, and if you don't use mathematical formulas to correct this point, your painting will be flat. So, the use of angles, shadows, and realistic light, inside the perspective technique, had to be precisely calculated.

for determining angles,scale,area of the building

i hope that was of aid to you.

¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones no es cierta?a.Una obra de arte puede crearse originalmente para documentar un acontecimiento, pero más tarde convertirse en una pieza que conmemora el acontecimiento y las personas implicadas.
b.En muchas culturas a lo largo de la historia se han construido estatuas para conmemorar a los grandes gobernantes.
c.La documentación trata de contar un hecho o una persona.
d.Los monumentos en forma de columna fueron utilizados sólo por los romanos hasta el siglo XIV.



Al parecer es la b. Porque en algunos países o lugares no hay culturas

Identify the texture based on the situation described in each item. Write Monophonic, Homophonic or Polyphonic! 1. Singing "Sitsiritsit” with a piano accompaniment

2. Humming

3. Choral rendition of the song, "We are the World".

4. Whistling

5. Singing the Beatles' song, "Ob-la-di Ob-la-da" with a guitar accompaniment​



  1. homophonic
  2. monophonic
  3. polyphonic
  4. monophonic
  5. homophonic


A monophonic texture has a single melodic line, meaning that it has no harmony or counterpoint, and it can be played as well as sung, with a single instrument or voice as well as several voices and instruments playing in unison. Whistling a song is an example of monophony.

A homophonic texture has multiple notes at the same time, in the same rhythm, with one clear melodic line, and other parts that provide accompaniment. For example, singing "Sitsiritsit” with a piano accompaniment.

A polyphonic texture presents different autonomous melodies that provide harmony to the piece as separate and independent elements. like the choral rendition of the song, "We are the World".

Matrilineality is the principle of descent in what percentage of world societies?


The answer is only 15 percent of the world societies.
The Matrilineal society is the-the group whom adheres their kinship system through tracing ancestral descent in maternal lines. It is also called as matriliny. Normally, the descents are traced through paternal lines.