Who controlled the Maghrib following the Aghlabids? the Abbasids the Umayyads the Fatimids the Spanish


Answer 1
Answer: I believe the answer is The fatimids.
The fatimid caliphates had a very strong influence in the regions around north Africa.
They're known to control the Maghribs that follow the Aghlabids the quest of re-establishment of the Umayyads in Al-Andalus
Answer 2
Answer: its fatimids..................................................................

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I would say that the answer that is a convention Chinese artist Shen Zhou used in his paintings is that C) he painted figures with a different color ink to emphasize their importance.
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The samurai warriors of feudal japan resemble the knights of medieval europe in many respects. which of the following characteristics applies only to the samurai?A. They followed a code of honor called Bushido
B. They received land in payment for their services
C. They provided military protection for the ruling class
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The correct answer is A. The samurai warriors followed a code of honor called Bushido, that was specific for them, as they didn't share it with other warriors.

It was a strict and particular ethical code to which many samurai gave their lives, which demanded loyalty and honor until death. If a samurai failed to maintain his honor, he could recover it by practicing seppuku (ritual self-murder).

It was not simply a list of rules to which a warrior should adhere in exchange for his title, but a set of principles that prepared a man to fight without losing his humanity, and to lead and command without losing touch with values basic It was a description of a way of life, and a prescription to become a noble warrior and man.

A. They followed a code of honor called Bushido

While Medieval European Knights did have their own code of honor, the 
Bushido was a moral code specific to the Samurai. So, choice A is the correct answer.

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The Second World War was the biggest and most important armed conflict in history. It was the birthplace of the contemporary security and intelligence apparatus as well as the postwar balance of power that provided the foundation for the Cold War. Although essential to the Allies' victory over the Axis, equipment, and actual combat did not win the war by themselves. The work of the British and American intelligence services, which finally triumphed over their adversaries' efforts, played a significant role in the victory. A war of ideas, images, phrases, and perceptions underlay the conflict of weapons and aircraft—intangible remnants of civilization that had a profoundly visible effect on the people of Europe, east Asia, and other parts of the world.

What were the consequences of world war II?

The United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and China were among the most noteworthy of the 50 Allied countries that fought the Axis powers during the war. The agreement between Germany, Italy, and Japan in 1936 gave rise to the term "Axis," which refers to the straight line between the capital cities of Rome and Berlin.

Japan joined the agreement as a signatory in 1940. Eventually, a number of additional countries would join the Axis, either voluntarily or involuntarily, but Germany and Japan remained the two key players in this alliance. Although the war's origins date back to the 1930s, it was only on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland that hostilities were declared to have begun and ended when Japan submitted to American pressure.

Learn more about consequences of World War II here:



The Second World War was history's largest and most significant armed conflict. It served as the breeding ground for the modern structure of security and intelligence, and for the postwar balance of power that formed the framework for the Cold War. Weapons, materiel, and actual combat, though vital to the Allies' victory over the Axis, did not alone win the war. To a great extent, victory was forged in the work of British and American intelligence services, who ultimately overcame their foes' efforts. Underlying the war of guns and planes was a war of ideas, images, words, and impressions—intangible artifacts of civilization that yielded enormous tangible impact for the peoples of Europe, east Asia, and other regions of the world.

Scope and Consequences of the War

The war pitted some 50 Allied nations, most notable among which were the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and China, against the Axis nations. The name "Axis," a reference to the straight geographic line between the capital cities of Rome and Berlin, came from a pact signed by Germany and Italy in 1936, to which Japan became a signatory in 1940. Ultimately a number of other nations would, either willingly or unwillingly, throw in their lot with the Axis, but Germany and Japan remained the principal powers in this alliance.

Although the roots of the conflict lay before the 1930s, hostilities officially began with the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, and ended with the Japanese surrender to the United States six years and one day later. The war can be divided into three phases: 1939–41, when Axis victory seemed imminent; 1941–43, when Axis conquests reached their high point even as the tide turned with the U.S. and Soviet entry into the war; and 1943–45, as the Allies beat back and ultimately defeated the Axis.

Over those six years, armies, navies, air units, guerrilla forces, and clandestine units would fight across millions of square miles of sea and land, from Norway's North Cape to the Solomon Islands, and from Iran to Alaska. The war would include more than a dozen significant theatres in western Europe, the north Atlantic, Italy, eastern and southern Europe, Russia, North Africa, China, southern Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific islands. Less major, but still significant, engagements took place in East Africa, the Middle East, and West Africa. There were even extremely limited engagements—mostly at the level of diplomacy, espionage, or propaganda—in South America and southern Africa.

Death toll. World War II and its attendant atrocities would exact an unparalleled human toll, estimated at 50 million military and civilian lives lost. Combat deaths alone add up to about 19 million, with the largest share of this accounted for by 10 million Soviet, 3.5 million German, 2 million Chinese, and 1.5 million Japanese deaths. (The United States lost about 400,000, and the United Kingdom some 280,000.)

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis killed another 15.5 million in a massive campaign of genocide that included the "Final Solution," whereby some 6 million Jews were killed. Another 3 million Soviet prisoners of war, along with smaller numbers of Gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped persons, political prisoners, and other civilians rounded out the total. Principal among the Nazi executioners was the SS, led by Heinrich Himmler, which operated a network of slave-labor and extermination camps throughout central and eastern Europe.

About 14 million civilian deaths have been attributed to the Japanese. They imposed a system of forced labor on the peoples of the region they dubbed the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere," and literally worked millions of civilians and prisoners of war (POWs) to death in their camps. The Japanese also conducted massacres of civilians that rivaled those undertaken by the Nazis in Russia.

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