How were free African American communities able to assist poor African Americans in the mid-19th century? Select the best answer from the choices provided. for the gradual abolition of slavery for the end of the international slave trade
C.forming aid societies and giving money to them
D.All answers are correct.


Answer 1
Answer: D. all of the answers above are how free were able to assist poor

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The State Department, more specifically the Secretary of State, are considered the President's "right arm" in foreign affairs. The Secretary of State is a cabinet position that is in charge of dealing with foreign relations. This position and department can work with other countries on everything from economic policies to peace treaties. This department is extremely important in today's society, considering how often the US works with other countries for importing and exporting goods/services.

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Its an example of local government because school districts fall under a local category. District means local so its a local government. Hope this helps! Mark as brainliest!

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The dictionary helps to standardize how words are used.


The dictinary provides a common meaning for the words, but the language evolves with the usage, and every person speking a language modifies it, dictionaries and academies of the language the only thing that do is create a common meaning the society gives to the words. But it does not try to change the language nor standardize it it just records it.

The Intolerable Acts were aimed at punishing Boston for its infamous Tea Party. a. True
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Yes, it is true that theIntolerable Acts were aimed at punishing Boston for its infamous Tea Party. So,the correct option among all the options given in the question is option"a". The Intolerable Acts were actually a series of laws thatwere passed and targeted towards punishing the colonists that took part in theBoston Tea Party. The Intolerable Acts were passed by the British during theyear 1774. The Boston Tea Party took place on 16th of December inthe year 1773.

This question is based on the accompanying documents. The question is designed to test your
ability to work with historical documents. Some of these documents have been edited for the
purposes of this question. As you analyze the documents, take into account the source of each
document and any point of view that may be presented in the document. Keep in mind that the
language used in a document may reflect the historical context of the time in which it was written.
Historical Context:
Turning points are events that result in regional and worldwide change. Three
turning points that transformed societies and regions were the outbreak of the
bubonic plague, the signing of the Nanjing Treaty, and the assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand.
Task: Using the information from the documents and your knowledge of global history,
answer the questions that follow each document in Part A. Your answers to the
questions will help you write the Part B essay in which you will be asked to
Select two turning points mentioned in the historical context and for each
• Describe the historical circumstances surrounding this turning point
• Discuss changes that occurred within a society and/or region as a result of this
turning point


When writing an essay like this, it is important to make connections between the historical issues at hand and the current events that are shaped by these issues, such as the various treaties. 

Who and what influenced Hitler's anti-Semitic views?2. How did anti-Semitism develop in the Christian world, from the early days of Christianity in Rome through the 18th century?
3. How did the status of Jews change in the late 18th and 19th centuries?
4. What occurred in the Nazi party during the early and mid-1920s?
5. Why were the first concentration camps opened?
Critical Thinking Questions
1. What was the impact of Kristallnacht on the Jewish community?
2. How did the worldwide Depression lead to the growth of the Nazi party in Germany?
3. How did assimilation within the Jewish community impact anti-Semitism?
4. What factors contributed to Hitler's success within the Nazi party?
5. What was the purpose of reproductive policies in the Nazi state and how were these applied to different groups?


1.      It was in Vienna where his anti-Semitic beliefsbegan.  He was influenced by the UpperPan-German nationalism movement circulated by Gorg Von Schronerer and ViennaMayor Karl Lueger . It was Schronerer who shaped Hitler’s ideology while Luegerinfluenced his tactics.2.      It was due to theological differences, misinterpretationof Jewish customs and traditions.3.      It was time when Jews were now being integratedin society this was due to the Age of Enlightenment.4.      Upon becoming a member, Hitler later becamechairman on July 28, 1921 and it became stronger and more centralized under hisleadership.5.      They were constructed to detain those perceivedto be enemies of the state.  Nazi StormTroopers, police and local civilian authorities rounded up suspected subversivesand imprisoned them in these camps.1.      Businesses belonging to Jews looted anddestroyed.  This was due to the killing ofGerman Secretary to France Ernst von Rath by a Polish Jew named Herschell Grynszpan.  Although shops were restored, hostilitytowards the Jews grew stronger.2.      It affected the German economy, it was not ableto pay its loans and banks went under. Tariffs were raided and exports dropped causing poverty among the Germanpeople.  Hitler used this to hisadvantage and that led to the rise of Nazism in Germany.3.      Well some Jews converted to Christianity inEurope while others emigrated and settled in the United States although there wasstill  prejudice towards the jews.4.      Hitler was a gifted orator when he gave hisspeech  at a meeting on October 16, 1919,support for the Nazi movement grew as money poured in to finance theirpropaganda. He also recruited friends he knew from the war as well asdisgruntled workers to his cause.5.      Aryan women were not allowed to have abortions.  It was only allowed for those who arehandicapped or mentally ill as well as Jews and women who come from conqueredcountries.