What element is needed for cellular respiration?


Answer 1
Answer: Oxygen

It is essential in all living organisms. In the process of the food making of plants, oxygen is the waste product and carbon dioxide is needed in manufacturing food. Molecular oxygen is one of the nutrients commonly used by plant and animal cells in respiration.
Answer 2

Final answer:

The element needed for cellular respiration is oxygen. Oxygen is essential in the final stage of cellular respiration, the Electron Transport Chain, where it acts as the final electron acceptor. The absence of oxygen would lead cells to resort to anaerobic respiration that yields less energy.


The element needed for cellular respiration is oxygen. Cellular respiration is a process by which cells break down glucose and other molecules in the presence of oxygen to produce energy. The process can be broken down into three stages: Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle), and the Electron Transport Chain. Oxygen plays a crucial role in the final stage, the Electron Transport Chain, where it acts as the final electron acceptor and combines with the hydrogen ions to form water.

Without oxygen, the Electron Transport Chain cannot occur. If oxygen is not available, cells may resort to an alternative method known as anaerobic respiration, or fermentation, but this produces significantly less energy. Hence, oxygen is a vital element required for efficient cellular respiration.

Learn more about oxygen here:



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The answer is 8-12 hours.

Rigor mortis is caused by chemical reactions in muscles after death. Usually, parts of the body become stiffened because ATP is lost after death. After death oxygen concentration in the body decreases because ATP is still being produced and respiration is stopped. When there is no oxygen, anaerobic glycolysis produces ATP using glycogen. When glycogen is depleted, ATP production stops, and rigor mortis begins 2 hours after death. ATP is required during muscle respiration, but now there is a limited concentration of ATP, and its production is stopped. So, muscles could not be relaxed. 8-12 hours after death, muscle fibers are decomposed by enzymes or bacteria, and body relaxes, exiting rigor mortis.

Answer: The answer is not 8-12 hours


That 8-12 hours is for Liver Mortis.

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The Zooxantelae and the hard coral are in a mutualistic relationship. This means that both the hard coral and the algae benefit from this relationship. The coral gets extra nutrients produced by the photosynthesizing algae, and the algae gets protection and a stable environment by living inside the coral tissue.

The case of the remora and the manta ray is a perfect example of commensalism. In this type of relationship, one of the participants has benefits, and the other participant has no benefits, nor costs. The remora gets ''leftovers'' from the manta ray, and possible protection from larger predators and the manta ray does not benefit from this relationship.

The tiger shark prays on the green sea turtle, so this is a clear example of predation.

The trevallies and the dolphins are both apex predators, therefore they are competing against each other for pray.

Zooxanthellae and the hard coral-Zooxanthellae are the symbiotic algae that live within the hard or stony corals. The symbiotic relation is based on the coral's inability to generate sufficient amounts of food and the algae’s ability for photosynthesis and converting chemical elements into energy. - mutualism

The remora and the manta ray-The benefits to the remoras and remora for living in such close association with their larger hosts are clear, but there is a debate about whether the manta rays receive a significant return in benefits from these relationships. - mutualism

The tiger shark and the green sea turtle - the turtle is eaten by the shark-predation

The dolphin and the school of trevallies-To feed, dolphins use a fast, surprise attack, and, unlike the hunting packs of trevallies, dolphins can successfully hunt alone. - predation

I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.

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Explanation: I just answered this question on Oddessyware.

I hope this answer helps you! (◡‿◡).

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The answer is

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Which of the following correctly describes seafloor spreading?A. New oceanic crust is formed at midocean ridges, pushed away from the ridge, and destroyed at deep-sea trenches.

B. New oceanic crust is formed at seamounts and spreads outward in all directions.

C. New oceanic crust is formed at deep-sea trenches, pushed away from the trench, and destroyed at midocean ridges.

D. New oceanic crust is formed in the middle of tectonic plates and then spreads outward in bands.


Option D correctly describes seafloor spreading. Seafloor spreading is a process which typically occur at middle ocean ridges where new oceanic crusts are formed as a result of volcanic activity. These oceanic crusts then gradually move away from the ridge.

The answer is B. This occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where two tectonic plates are moving away from each other. As they move in opposite directions, the magma from the mantle below rises to fill the void/space left above. As the magma rises, it cools and forms a new crust. This volcanic activity continues as long as the tectonic plates are moving away from each other and new crust is formed spreading outwards from the ridge, with time.