The decline in economic production in Europe during the 1300s was caused by an increase in malnutrition. a decrease in population. an increase in nationalism. a decrease in religious faith.


Answer 1

The correct answer is - a decrease in population.

During the 1300's the economic production in Europe had experienced a significant decline and this is due to the significant decrease in population. The decrease of population was cause by the emidemy of the plague that stroke the continent and millions of people died by the so called ''black death''. The plague was literary transported (unintentionally) through the trading roots of the Mongol Empire where trade was going on constantly between the European and Asian continents.

Answer 2
Answer: It was caused by a decrease in the population

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For the question, the answer would be absolute horrible. They were only givein small, and i mean very very small rations of very stale bread and water, meaning they were starved and very dehydrated, they were whipped and beatin by SS and Gastopo soldiers and the dead would lay around, in some camps they would take the prisoners on what are called death marches to either where they would "work" or be killed by either fireing squad or gas chamber, if they didint die on the march, they were jam packed in there liveing quarters. When these camps were liberated at the end of the war by either American or Russian forces, they were described as basicly liveing hell, its smelled extremely bad from dead rotting bodys, thoes who were alive were so skinny they could see there bones, plus they were given basicly rags for clothing, and both men and women were shaved and were all given a number that was tattooed onto there forarm

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The wealthiest states include: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Tennessee, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.

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1. Bismarck fought against the French to a) Designate the Prussian prince as the king of Spain.
b) Make William I, emperor of united Germany
c) Occupy the Rhine River
d) unite Catholics and Protestant
e) None of the above​


Answer: Make William I, emperor of united Germany.

Bismarck thought it would be a great idea to fight against the French and then unite the South German states. It seemed as a pretty good opportunity, so he took the plan and fought.

Option B, Make William I, emperor of united Germany

What was NOT true about the economy at the end of World War II?The GNP and corporate profits doubled.
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Wage freezes reduced consumer spending.
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C.  Wage freezes reduced consumer spending ... .. that did NOT happen.
In April, 1943, President Roosevelt put a freeze on wages and prices ... and consumer spending increased.  Spending went down in some areas of the economy, in connection with the war effort.  For instance, the percentage of consumer income spent on automobiles, as well as gas, repairs, insurance, and fees for automobiles, went down by nearly 60 percent between 1941 and 1944.  But overall consumer spending increased.  Overall household consumer spending in 1941 was $2,060. In 1944, overall household consumer spending was $2,406.  

As to answer A):The gross national product (GNP) and corporate profits did double during wartime.  There is something to be aware of with that, however.  The big increases in spending were all war-related, and much work would be needed after the war to keep the economy going forward on a peacetime footing.  David Weinberger, writing in The Daily Signal (January 26, 2012), explained:   "Underneath the national numbers that seem so robust between 1941 and 1945 stood an emaciated, barely conscious private economy stripped of resources and hope. This economy, a child of the Great Depression, bore little resemblance to its muscular cousin who fought on two war fronts."

As to answer B)  The US federal debt indeed did quadruple during World War II.  In 1941, prior to the United States' entry into the war, the national debt stood at $58 billion.  By the war's end in 1945, the national debt was $260 billion.

As to answer D):  L.D. Baver, the Associate Director of the North Carolina  Agricultural Experiment Station from 1941 to 1947, explained the emphasis being given through agricultural extension programs:  "The job of farming in war time, like the job of war itself, consists in making the most effective use of all available means -- labor, machinery, fertilizer, facts"  (Research and Farming, N.C. Agricultural Experiment Station annual report, 1942).