How should succesful businesses respond in a crisis? How does this information relate to our own lives when facing a personal crisis? Give a total of 5 reasons.


Answer 1
Answer: I believe a successful business in the event of a crisis, should keep calm, and have the head of the business (boss) come up with a plan of action, then appoint employees to a task that suites them best,  and work relentlessly to resolve the crisis.Examining how a successful business would handle a crisis can give many ideas as to how we handle crisis's in our lives. 1. We can relate to both the boss and the employees in a situation of crisis. Sometimes we have to come up with a plan to solve the problem, and sometimes we have to listen to someone else's plan of action. 2. When we are faced with a problem, we have to remain calm, same as would a business, and approach the situation with a level head. 3. We need to work hard to solve problems we encounter in life, problems don't fix themselves, so just as a business would, we have to work hard. 4. We have to examine many ways of going about solving the crisis. Sometimes we need to take a step back for a while and think before we decide how to solve the issue. 5.We have to be keep going despite a difficulty,  and endure through hardship, just as a successful business would. 

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the least coins to pay back would be one 35 cent coin, but there isn't such a coin. But we can use 2 coins: one 25 cents, and one of 10 cents: so the smallest amount is 2 coins.

the largest amount of coins is achieved by using the coins with the smallest value: this would be the 5-cent-coins. so we'd need 35/7=7; 7 such coins

so the different is between 7 and 2 coins, that is 5 coins difference!

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