Which of these helps you understand what people are saying to you? A. Thinking about how you'll respond
B. Looking away while they're speaking
C. Thinking about what they're saying
D. Interrupting them


Answer 1
Answer: C. think about what they're saying
Answer 2

i thinks its c (thinking about what they saying)

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B)Banquo's advice


I would say that A) Lady Macbeth's counsel and C) ambition were two factors which most strongly influenced Macbeth's descent into moral corruption. If it weren't for these two, he would never become so morally disgusting, and die in the end. 


A)Lady Macbeth's counsel and c ambition


because i got it wrong

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Why because if someone can't believe something that actually happened, its because they don't do often enough. Hope it helps ! :)

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Underlined word: Us



object of a preposition

direct object


A: subject

honesty everything else is so wrong I can't even begin

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c. Practice today starts at 4:30 PM.
d. Practice today starts at 4:30 P.M.
is it d?


D is correctly punctuated.

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If the temperature of the substance increases, which state of matter would you expect? A. Gases B. Liquids C. Plasma D. Solids You can select the correct answer from the given options.



If the temperature of a substance increases, the state of matter that would be expected depends on the specific substance and its phase diagram. Generally, as the temperature rises, substances tend to transition from solid to liquid to gas. However, there are exceptions and variations based on the unique properties of different substances.

In most cases, when a substance is heated, it gains energy and its particles start to move more rapidly. This increased kinetic energy causes the particles to overcome intermolecular forces and move further apart from each other. As a result, the substance undergoes a phase change.

The first state of matter that is typically affected by an increase in temperature is solids. Solids have tightly packed particles that vibrate in fixed positions due to strong intermolecular forces. When heat is applied, the particles gain energy and vibrate more vigorously. As the temperature continues to rise, the particles eventually gain enough energy to break free from their fixed positions and transition into a liquid state.

Liquids have particles that are still close together but are able to move more freely than in solids. With increasing temperature, the kinetic energy of the particles increases further, causing them to move faster and spread out even more. Eventually, at a certain temperature called the boiling point, the liquid reaches a critical energy level where its particles have enough kinetic energy to overcome intermolecular forces completely. At this point, the liquid transitions into a gas.

Gases have particles that are widely spaced apart and move independently at high speeds. When heat is added to a gas, its particles gain even more kinetic energy and move even faster. However, there is no specific temperature at which gases transition into another state of matter since they already exist in their most disordered state.

It is important to note that not all substances follow this typical pattern of phase changes with increasing temperature. Some substances may have unique phase diagrams where they undergo different transitions or exhibit additional states of matter. For example, certain substances can transition directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state, a process known as sublimation. Additionally, at extremely high temperatures, some substances can enter a fourth state of matter called plasma, where the particles are highly ionized and exhibit unique properties.

In summary, when the temperature of a substance increases, the expected state of matter transition is generally from solid to liquid to gas. However, this pattern may vary depending on the specific substance and its phase diagram.
