You are looking for information about health problems in poor countries. You find a website that includes facts, charts, names of diseases, and organizations that help. What information would you list first on your "Works Cited" page?Author's name

Name of the website

Date the site was last updated

Name of the organization that sponsors the cite


Answer 1

The information that a person would list first on their "Works Cited" page would be:

  • Name of the website

  • When a person is trying to make a citation from a website, then the information that would be included in the "Works Cited" from the given list is the name of the website.

  • The other options listed are not correct because when listing a source gotten from a website does not contain an author's name, or the last time it was updated, or the name of sponsors.

  • The typical things that can be added on a Works Cited page from a website are : name of website, date accessed, etc.

  • Therefore, the correct answer is option B

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Answer 2

Name of the website

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B) vibrant
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B) vibrant


Mr. Peat does great magic tricks who is a teacher at my school. Which word should the adjective clause go next to?
A. tricks
B. teacher
C. school
D. Mr. Peat


The example sentence should read:
Mr. Peat, who is a teacher at my school, does great magic tricks.

We usually use relative clauses to give additional details about something without starting a new sentence. In this case, the original sentence consists of the following clauses:
Mr. Peat does great magic tricks
Mr. Peat is a teacher at my school.

Since the original example sentence uses the relative pronoun who, we know that the additional information that is given is about the person in the sentence, hence the clause should be right next to Mr. Peat. This explains why option D is your best answer.

Can anyone help? I m not sure if my answer is right


Maybe... Or maybe the third one down - 'an encouraging tone'
No, you're right. :)

I need 3 poems based on the same theme


#1) I ran in blessed drizzle,
I walked across the silver desserts.
I dived under golden sun gleams, and
I passed thousand of seas;
To get to the Seven Gates.
Sometimes I was lost in a crowd
But I felt your love's power
Pulling me towards you all the time.
Will we be able to survive together?
For this world is a flaring place
But I'll gladly take the chance, for
You are the only one I love till eternity.
I stopped, and saw the empty skies above,
A graveyard with a newly buried couple,
A dark cloud wandering lonely.
But the silver line in it,
Manifested the diamond necklace I gave you.
Then came a fresh breeze
I felt your sweet voice and divine aroma in it.
So I saw you in a sea of roses,
In a blossoming bud,
In a luminous sunbeam,
In a fragrant wind,
And then everywhere.
Suddenly there were colors and songs in the atmosphere.
An angel was sprinkling magical dust
A cupid was shooting arrows of flowers.
My heart leaped out
For I saw my Cinderella............
She's a divine Goddess, I was feared to touch.
She had lit a lamp for me
But I was the one who burnt all the time.
She does not know..............................
Her voice filled my vacant ears,
Her magical eyes stung in my heart,
Her glittering smile made haloes in me.
She was my secret promise..............
The flames that burned in my heart,
Now have become caressing petals.
I removed my heart and gave to her,
She wore it in her wedding finger.
#2) When first we touched,
My heart flew high,
On gossamer wings through a cloudless sky.
They said it was built upon a lie.
They told me my feelings would surely fade.
Passion would flare and foes would be made.
Can you not put the pass behind?
True love can change a rivers course,
Or pierce the strongest vault with ease.
True love can turn coal into gold,
Or tame the tempest to a balmy breeze.
Quite some time has passed since then:
People no longer criticize,
For now they see that truth exists,
Where once there might have been only lies.
Still my feelings are the same today,
As they were on that very first,
For when we touch, my heart still flies, on gossamer wings through cloudless skies.
#3) A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

These are all about love hope this helps :)

What are 6 differences and similarities between fiction and non fiction


1) They are both genres of books.
2) They can be any length.
3) Often times when writing either one, authors will start will a brief outline or plan.
4) Both may contain dialogue and/or quotes.
5) Both contain narrative.
6) Both may teach you something whether its a fact, a lesson, and/or a moral.

1) Fiction is not real, while nonfiction is about something that happened.
2) Fiction can take place in the past, present, or future, while non fiction can only take place in the past or present.
3) In fiction you can reference a real person, but in nonfiction you cannot reference one that was made up.
4) You will often find a bibliography in nonfiction books, but not in fiction ones.
5) Nonfiction books are categorized by the Dewey Decimal System in libraries, where fiction books are typically alphabetized.
6) Nonfiction books can be kept in the reference section of the library, but fiction ones are not. 

Answer: The term nonfiction refers to works of writing that deal with true facts. On the other hand, fiction is a product of the author's imagination. While nonfiction works can be categorized as fitness, economics, home decoration, etc., fiction includes plenty of genres like romance, science fiction, thriller, etc.


During which show should a company that makes remote-control dronesadvertise?
A. A show about military strategy
B. A late-night movie
C. A reality show about cooking
D. A football game



Answer: A. show about military strategy.
