Most of the states in the US have laws based on those found in English common law t or f


Answer 1

Answer: True.

Explanation:  Common Law is a term used in the legal sciences to refer to a system of law whose application of norms and rules are not written but sanctioned by custom or case law. Such a form of law stems from the conception of English medieval law which, when administered by the courts of the kingdom, reflected the common customs of those who lived in it. This legal system is in force in the United Kingdom and most of the countries that were colonized by this country.

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Please be more discriptive. I am not able to find the question you are asking.


Set 2


I think it's set 2 because it has 32° in it twice, so that's why I think it's set 2! Sorry if its wrong!<3

What was the relationship between Greek religion and Greek mythology?



greek religion is about there religion and greek mythology is about what they did



Greek religion is not the same as Greek mythology, which is concerned with traditional tales, though the two are closely interlinked. Curiously, for a people so religiously minded, the Greeks had no word for religion itself; the nearest terms were eusebeia (“piety”) and threskeia (“cult”).


Question 21 (3 points) Tehe Eupicureans believed that only ______ is good. ignorance

Question 22 (2 points)
Thomas Aquinas accepted Platonic dualism.

Question 23 (2 points)
Thomas Aquinas divided knowledge into two spheres. That of faith and that of reason.

Big Question 25 (3 points)
The idea that God must exist because the universe is orderly but could not have produced that order itself (and is therefore made orderly by an intelligent being) is known as the _____ argument for God.

Question 26 (2 points)
The rediscovery of the works of Aristotle had a major impact on late Medeival thought.

Question 27 (3 points) Augustine got many of his ideas about how God illuminated the universe from his interpretation of the works of _______.

Question 28 (3 points)
The idea that the simplest explanation of something is usually the best is known as _____.
Zeno's Paradox
Augustine's Razor
Hubble's Law
Ockham's Razor

Question 29 (2 points) Augustine separated the fallen "City of Man" (sometimes called the "City of the World") from the perfect "City of God."

Question 30 (3 points) Anselm's idea that if people can concieve of God, a perfect being who exists (because existence is a prerequisite of perfection), therefore God must exist is known as the ______ for God's existence.


Question 31 (2 points)
One of the defining debates of Medeival Philosophy is that between the superiority of faith versus reason.


  • The Eupicureans believed that only pleasure is good.

Epicureans identify good with pleasure and with the absence of pain from the body and the soul.

  • Thomas Aquinas accepted Platonic dualism: False.

Plato believed that the essence of a human being was the soul, that is to say, a person is essentially his/her soul. He thought the body as a mere instrument of the soul. On the other hand, Aquinas thought, taking into account the Christian Dogma of Resurrection in which humans resurrect in their corporeal forms, body and soul go hand in hand, meaning that the soul becomes the substantial form that leads the body to perform its actions.  

  • Thomas Aquinas divided knowledge into two spheres. That of faith and that of reason: True  

Aquinas perceives reason and faith as two types of knowledge. Reason refers to what people can know by experience and logic alone. Therefore, human beings can know that there is a God and that there is only one God. Faith refers to what people can know by God's revelation to us, through the Bible, for instance. Christans believe God is triune (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and these truths about God can't be known without faith.  In sum, faith and reason are two ways of arriving at truth.

  • The idea that God must exist because the universe is orderly but could not have produced that order itself (and is therefore made orderly by an intelligent being) is known as the teleological argument for God.

The teleological argument (term derived from "telos", the Greek word for "goal" or "purpose") also known as the argument from design is an argument for an intelligent creator or God. These arguments attempt to identify various empirical features of the world that are evidence of intelligent design and claiming God's existence as the best explanation for these features.

  • The rediscovery of the works of Aristotle had a major impact on late Medieval thought: True  

The Scholastics, like Thomas Aquinas or Roger Bacon, transformed the intellectual and cultural environment of Europe in the Middle Ages, influenced by the rediscovery of the works of Aristotle, who believed that the material world was not inferior. The Scholastics' work laid the foundation for huge changes such as the Reinassence and the Scientific Revolution.

  • Augustine got many of his ideas about how God illuminated the universe from his interpretation of the works of Plato.

Plato's theory of recollection alludes that the human mind somehow has built into it an understanding of the Forms, meaning that at some point the soul must have received some kind of illumination. Medieval philosophers from Agustine on, would take this idea into account for further development.

  • The idea that the simplest explanation of something is usually the best is known as Okham's Razors.

Occam's razor is the problem-solving principle, specially in philosophy, that refers to the idea that the simplest solution tends to be the right one. In other words, the more assumptions or guesses you make, the more unlikely to have an explanation.

  • Augustine separated the fallen "City of Man" (sometimes called the "City of the World") from the perfect "City of God.": True.

Augustine uses the term "city" to refer to "society". The City of Man, according to Augustine, is based on man self-love . This kind of love is one that is egocentric and egoistic. It expresses the will to absolute autonomy in rebel against the theonomous and theocentric love of God. On the other hand, The City of God refers to heaven, which is the perfect city, where the church is the kingdom of Christ.

  • Anselm's idea that if people can concieve of God, a perfect being who exists (because existence is a prerequisite of perfection), therefore God must exist is known as the ontological argument for God's existence.

The main purpose of Anselm's ontological argument is to provide a proof of God's existence. Anselm relies on an assumption that does not depend on experience for its justification, that is a priori, and then uses logical means to come to the conclusion that God exists.

  • One of the defining debates of Medieval Philosophy is that between the superiority of faith versus reason: True

The Medieval philosophers are characterized for discussing ideas such us the superiority of faith versus reason, the good and evil as well as the existence of  God.

21.). Pleasure

22.) False

23.) True

24.). Not included in the questions

25.). Telelological

26.). True

27.). Plato

28.). Okham's Razor

29.). True

30.). Ontological

31.). True

I hope these helps.

Is the von thunen model of Herman settlement outdated because it does not address modern transportation and city infrastructure?



Yes it is outdated. (True)


What country in West Africa is actually succeeding with technological improvements set up by multinational corporations to follow the supply and commodity chains from the cacao parcel farms to the market?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

The country in West Africa that is actually succeeding with technological improvements set up by multinational corporations to follow the supply and commodity chains from the cacao parcel farms to the market, is Ghana.

Ghana is improving the living conditions of its citizens due to the improvements in technology and the new investments of private companies in many different areas of the economy. But basically, the production of cacao has become the king of crops in this west African country.

Ghana is considered to be the most important cacao producer of the world with 60 to 70 percent of the production. Climate changes in the region have affected the production of cocoa, that is why multinational companies invest in new technologies are needed to keep the rhythm of the production alive.

Which of the following statements about European efforts to trade in the East is not true?a.
Portugal took control of the Indian Ocean by force.
The Philippines were used as a gateway to trade American silver with Asian economies.
The Dutch did not try to impose anything but trade onto the Chinese.
Europeans waited for civil war to collapse the Mughal Kingdom, then moved in to India.




Europeans waited for civil war to collapse the Mughal Kingdom, then moved in to India.


During the colonial period, colonial powers had a significant effect on Southeast Asia. ... The arrival of Christianity that brought by the Europeans have affected Southeast Asian society and culture. In addition, a large demand for labor resulted in mass immigration that caused the demographical change.

Treaty gave France control of most of territory in southern Vietnam. ... European nations needed raw materials, European leaders wanted power and land, and they believed in social Darwinism.

Between 1945 and 1960, three dozen new states in Asia and Africa achieved autonomy or outright independence from their European colonial rulers. There was no one process of decolonization. In some areas, it was peaceful, and orderly. In many others, independence was achieved only after a protracted revolution.