Which of the following describes what can happen to the areas upstream of a hydroelectric dam?


Answer 1
Answer: Loss of homes and Habitats to lake formation :)
Answer 2
Answer: yea the formation is a good answer

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In food chains, the flow of energy is ALWAYS _________.


The question is asking us to continue the sentence: In food chains, the flow of energy is ALWAYS. One possible way to complete the sentence is to say "one-way", that is, the energy comes from the energy source (such as the sun) towards the consumers (to plants and then to animals) but not the other way (except when the animals die and their bodies are eaten by worms, but the flow is still in one direction, which forms a circle.

In food chains, the flow of energy is ALWAYS one-way

What is true of matter in ecosystems?A.The primary productivity of an ecosystem does not depend on the availability of nutrients.
B.Living things can recycle elements within an ecosystem as long as decomposers are present.
C.Matter flows in a one-way direction with a 10% loss at each move up in trophic level.
D.Elements continuously cycle between the physical environment and living organisms.


Correct answer choice is:

D) Elements continuously cycle between the physical environment and living organisms.


Any nonliving matter that living things want is termed a nutrient. Carbon and nitrogen are parts of nutrients. Unlike energy, the object is converted into ecosystems. Decomposers deliver nutrients when they cut down dead organisms. When one organism eats a different organism, it takes all of its nutrients. Nutrients can also cycle out of an ecosystem. Falling leaves may be moved out of an ecosystem by a water. Decomposers cut down dead organisms into nutrients and carbon dioxide, which they respire into the air.

it is B i am 80% sure it is 

Ian was asked to take buccal swabs of two suspects. What will this task MOST likely include?


Ian would take DNA samples from the inside of the suspects' mouths if he were asked to swab their buccal surfaces.

What two forensic science techniques are utilized to identify a suspect?

Identification and comparison are the two techniques forensic scientists utilize when assessing tangible evidence. Determining a substance's physical or chemical identity is the process of identification. Finding out whether two or more objects have a common origin is done through comparison.

Why is it possible to fingerprint a suspect in a crime using DNA?

In regard to matching, DNA analysis is comparable to fingerprint analysis. The evidence gathered at the crime scene is contrasted with a "known" print or sample when a suspect is identified using DNA or a fingerprint.

To learn more about buccal swabs visit:



If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, which of the following would happen?


If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, More glucose and oxygen would be produced: Photosynthesis produces glucose and oxygen as byproducts. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, more glucose and oxygen would be produced.

What is the rate of photosynthesis?

The rate of photosynthesis refers to the amount of carbon dioxide that a plant can convert into organic compounds, such as sugars and starches, per unit of time through the process of photosynthesis. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased then:

Carbon dioxide levels would decrease: Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as a reactant. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere would decrease.

Oxygen levels would increase: As mentioned earlier, photosynthesis produces oxygen as a byproduct. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, oxygen levels in the atmosphere would increase.

The plant would grow faster: Photosynthesis provides energy to the plant, which it uses to grow. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, the plant would have more energy available and would be able to grow faster.

To know more about photosynthesis:



The total amount of oxygen in the ecosystem,light available, and sugar molecules would decrease.

Before leaving the nucleus, the pre-mRNA transcript formed through transcription undergoes a series of enzyme-regulated modifications. Part of the process is illustrated below. Without this modification, why would mRNA be translated into a nonfunctional protein?


Post transcription


Before leaving the nucleus, the pre-mRNA transcript formed through transcription undergoes a series of enzyme-regulated modifications which includes: 5'capping,splicing,3' cleavage(polyadenylation) and RNA editing

  • 5' capping is the first modification event in the pre mRNA that occurs after 20-30 nucleotide addition,in capping a 7 methyl guanosine(cap) is added to the 5' end of pre-mRNA
  • Splicing is the second modification event of pre-mRNA occurs in nucleus just after transcription but before the RNA moves to the cytoplasm
  • In RNA splicing non coding regions of pre-mRNA called introns are removed and coding regions called exons are religated
  • If this modification does not occur then introns will be copied from DNA that will interrupt the genetic code
  • Most of mature eukaryotic mRNA have 50-250 adenine residue at the 3'end called Poly A tail
  • These nucleotides are not encoded by the genome but are added after transcription,process is called polyadenylation
  • Polyadenylation is both template and primer independent process catalysed by polyadenylate polymerase and protects mRNA from exonuclease at 3'end
  • RNA editing is defined as the change of nucleotide sequence of RNA which is carried out in two different ways: site specific base modification and insertional or deletion type of RNA editing


Introns are regions of pre-mRNA copied from DNA that interrupt the genetic code.


1. DNA is first transcribed into pre-mRNA, then this pre-mRNA further go series of modification, like 5' capping, 3' polyadenylation and RNA splicing.

2. Through splicing, introns are removed and exons are joined together to form a mature RNA known as mRNA.

3. If without these modifications, RNA is translated, it would encode non-functional protein because all the codons in the pre-mRNA would translated and introns would code a non-functional protein.