Describe a characteristic of both an Emperor Penguin and Galapagos Penguin that evolved differently due to their different environment


Answer 1

Answer: The size.

Explanation: On the one hand the Emperor Penguin is bigger reaching up to 48 Inches (120cm) of height and 100 Lb in weight, on the other hand the Galápagos Penguin is much smaller. For example a large adult usually goes up to 21 Inches (53cm) and 5 Lb of weight.

This is directly related to the temperature of the environment in which each one develops, because a body exchanges heat in two dimensions through the surface. So, it's easier for a big creature to maintain core temperature stable.

This is really important in environments like the Arctic where temperature goes below zero and the opposite happen in the Equator where there is a tropical weather all the time.

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Explain how a trait might seem to “disappear” for a generation, and then “reappear” in the following generation.


If all of the individual in a generation receives one dominant allele and one recessive allele, then they will all show the dominant trait.

If they are bred, they will pass on the dominant allele to some of their offspring and recessive allele to others.

If an offspring receives two recessive alleles, it will show the recessive trait and therefore it will reappear.

When two true-breeding or homozygous individuals for dominant and recessive traits are crossed, the resultant is always a dominant trait. The recessive character appears in the following generation when the F1 progeny is self-crossed due to independent segregation and random fusion of gametes.

Further Explanation:

Consider Mendel's experiment on a pea plant in which he used the trait of height as tall and short. On self-pollinating the tall plants, the resulting progeny were all tall while when self-pollination was done for short plants, the resultants were all short. It was found that when true-breeding short (t) plants are bred with the true breeding tall (T) plants, the offspring results in all tall plants in the F1 generation. When this progeny is self-crossed, the F2 generation results in both tall and short plants in a 3:1 ratio.

Mendel stated that the traits are controlled by genes that are present in pairs of alleles. Each parent contributes the alleles in the pair. Allele 'T' is received from a tall parent while short parent contributes to allele’t’ and they together produce a tall plant. This is because the 'T' allele suppresses the expression of’t’ allele because of its dominant nature. Therefore,’t’ is a recessive allele, and 'T' is a dominant allele.

Cross between true-breeding tall (TT) and short (tt) plant:

Parents: TT x tt

Gametes: T x t

Progeny: Tt (tall, F1 generation)

When F1 generation is self crossed:

Parents: Tt x Tt

Gametes: T, t x T, t

Progeny: TT, Tt, Tt, tt

In the F1 generation,the recessive trait (short plant) was suppressed because of the dominance of the 'T' allele over the’t’ allele. In the following generation, the recessive trait reappeared because of the independent segregation of gametes and their random association with each other.

Learn More-

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  2. Learn more about how are mitosis and binary fission similar
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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Gene interaction

Subject: Biology


True-breeding, homozygous, genes, alleles, dominant, recessive, independent segregation, random fusion, gametes, progeny, F1 generation, F2 generation.

Cellular respiration included the metabolic pathways of glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain, as represented in the figures. In cellular respiration, carbohydrates and other metabolites are oxidized, and the resulting energy-transfer reactions support the synthesis of ATP. Using the information above, describe ONE contribution of each of the following in ATP synthesis.
1. Catabolism of glucose in glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation.
2. Oxidation of intermediates in the Krebs cycle.
3. Formation of a proton gradient by the electron transport chain.


Cellular respiration include the metabolic pathways of glycolysis, the Krebs

cycle, and the electron transport chain which perform different roles in

ensuring ATP is produced by the cells.

1.Catabolism of glucose in glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation-This process

facilitates the production of NADH which is used in the electron transport

chain.  It also produces acetyl-CoA which is the starting substrate which

enters into the Kreb's cycle and energy used for phosphorylation of ADP to

form ATP.

2. Oxidation of intermediates in the Krebs cycle- This results in NADH or

FADH₂ being produced and used in the electron transport chain. It also

produces GTP (guanosine triphosphate) used in the phosphorylation of ADP

to form ATP.

3.Formation of a protongradient by the electron transport chain-The flow of protons through membrane-bound ATP synthase provides energy used phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP.


Cellular respiration included the metabolic pathways of glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain is described below.


1. Catabolism of glucose in glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation-Produces NADH for use in ETC.Produces acetyl-CoA for entry into kerbs cycle.Provides energy for phosphorylation of ADP.

2. Oxidation of intermediates in the Krebs cycle-Produces NADH or FADH2 for use in ETC.Releases high energy electrons for use in ETC.Provides energy to pump protons against their concentration gradient.Produces GTP for phosphorylation of ADP.

3. Formation of a proton gradient by the electron transport chain-The flow of protons through membrane-bound ATP synthase generates ATP.Provides energy for phosphorylation of ADP.

if a horticulturist breeding gardenias succeeds in having a single plant with a particularly desirable set of traits, which of the following would be her most probable and efficient route to establishing a line of such plants?


The answer is to clone a plant asexually.

Cloning occurs naturally in some plants. Plants can clone themselves by asexual reproduction and, thus, produce identical copies of themselves. In asexual reproduction, there only one parent is necessary. There is no gamete fusion, no mixing of genetic information, so the offspring is genetically identical. So, after a horticulturist succeeds in breeding gardenias and wants to keep its line, it should clone it asexually. That way a particularly desirable set of traits will pass to all offspring.

Cells have particular structures that perform specific jobs. These structures are known as _______.


The answer is organelles a specialized part of a cell having some specific function. Organelles is a cell organ specialized part of a cell having some specific function; a cell organ. Also it is a structure or part that is enclosed within its own membrane inside a cell and has a particular function.

if Pluto is currently 300 light years away from earth how far is Pluto from earth in meters in scientific notation



9.47 x 10^17 meters


To find the distance from Earth to Pluto in meters in scientific notation, we first need to convert 300 light years into meters.

A light year is the distance light travels in one year, and light travels at a speed of approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

To convert light years to meters, we can use the following steps:

1. Multiply the speed of light by the number of seconds in a year (365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds) to find the distance light travels in one year.

299,792,458 meters/second x (365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds)

2. Multiply the distance light travels in one year by 300 (the number of light years between Earth and Pluto) to find the distance in meters.

(299,792,458 meters/second x (365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds)) x 300

The final answer in scientific notation will be a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

Therefore, the distance from Earth to Pluto in meters in scientific notation is approximately 9.47 x 10^17 meters.

What is heart what is the job of the heart


The hearts job is to pump blood around your body to keep you alive. There is double circulation because the oxygenated blood comes from the lungs and out the aorta into the body as well as the deoxygenated blood comesfrom around the body and circulates out the pulmomary artery into the lungs
Heart: One of your main organisms in your body that helps pump blood through your whole body

Job: Carrie blood with oxegen, food, and minerals that your body uses to work, think, move, and grow.
Hope this helps!