Radio City Hall esta en la ______ (6th) avenida.
Radio City Hall esta en la ______ (6th) avenida. - 1


Answer 1

sexta (femanine)

sexto (masculine)


I don't really understand what question you are asking, but I assume that you are asking how to sixth in Spanish.

Answer 2

Answer: Radio City Music Hall es un lugar de entretenimiento ubicado en el Rockefeller Center en la ciudad de Nueva York, Estados Unidos.

Espero que esto ayude! :)

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Una oración usando la palabra callo

S son,4. There were 123 adults and twice as many children at a funfair. Halfway, an equal
number of adults and children left the funfair. In the end, the number of children
became four times the number of adults at the funfair. How many adults were there
at the funfair in the end?​



41 adults


The number of adults in the funfair is 123.

The number of children will be

2 * 123 = 246

Let the number of adults and children who left the funfair be y.

This made the number of children

became four times the number of adults at the funfair.

4(123 - y) = 246 - y

Expand the parenthesis to get:

492 - 4y = 246 - y

- 4y + y = 246  - 492

Simplify to get:

- 3y =  - 246

Divide both sides by -3

y =  ( - 246)/( - 3)  = 82

The number of adults in the end will be:

123 - 82

= 41

There are 41 adults left

Can you help me please!!!!!!!


Most of those are cognates...


1. the problem, the equation, the solution, the multiplication, the division.

2.  Literature, composition, grammar.

3. a microbe, an animal, a plant, the microscope, the laboratory.

4. the circle, the arc, the rectangle, the triangle.

5.  the piano, the violin, the guitar, the concert, the opera, the choir.

6. the mountains, the oceans, the capitals, the natural resources.

7.  painting, stature, sculpture.

8. soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, tennis.


I hope this helps you. :)

Which statement best describes the meaning of onomastico?The feast day of the saint for whom someone is named?
The birthday of the saint for whom someone is named
someones birthday
a girls 15th birthday


Right answer: The feast day of the saint for whom someone is named

Onomástico (Onomastics in english) is an adjective relating to names given to people at birth according to an specific catholic saint. This word refers to the celebration of the Saint in honor of the person's name.

In other words, it is the day in which, according to the Catholic saints, it is the festival of the saint in honor of whom the name was given to someone.

It should be noted that this word is not the same as birthday, since birthday is the anniversary of the day a person was born and onomastic is the celebration of the saint in honor of whom the name was given to that person, and not always the day of the saint matches the anniversary date.

The feast day of the saint for whom someone is named

¿ te gustan los días festivos¿No, no te gusta

Sí, le gustan

No,no nos gustan

Si,me gustan muchísimo


Te gustan lost dias festivos? Si, me gustan muchisimo.
You cannot use the other options since the subject of the sentence is me, or I. And in the other sentences, this is not the case.
La respuesta es:

D. Si, me gustan muchisimo.

Cual de las siguientes frases requiere el uso de por?A) I am going to dress well to impress my boyfriend.
B) I am going to study a lot to get a good grade.
C) I need to write an essay for Tuesday.
D) I studied for an hour to prepare for my exam.





D)The word "for" in this sentece would be translated as "por" in spanish


Necesito estudiar por una hora para prepararme para un examen.


D. I studied for an hour to prepare for my exam.


The preposition "for" is used in the sentence to indicate the purpose or reason for studying, which is to prepare for the exam. In this case, "for" is functioning as a translation of the Spanish preposition "por," which often expresses the purpose or motive behind an action.

Conjugate the following AR verb jugar - play in the Imperfect tense.Yo

El, ella, Ud.

















ustedes-juegan that what you're asking for?
