How many number of orbital in n=3?​


Answer 1
Answer: There are 9 orbitals in n=3. To find the number of orbitals in any energy level is n^2

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Why do you think knowing enthalpy of reaction might be useful?



It allows scientists to predict the temperature change during a reaction.

It allows scientists to determine how much of a reactant is necessary to produce a certain amount of energy.

It allows scientists to predict whether a reaction might produce dangerous amounts of heat.



It allows scientists to predict the temperature change during a reaction.


What is the result of an uncontrolled chain reactiona small explosion
a small implosion
a large explosion
a large implosion


A chain reaction is a nuclear reaction that occurs when sufficient unstable nuclei are present so that when one splits (decays), its products hit other unstable nuclei, causing them to decay and initiating a chain reaction.

If this reaction goes uncontrolled, a massive explosion occurs. Such a reaction is the type that went uncontrolled when nuclear bombs were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. A chain reaction is much like dominoes all in a row; when one goes down, they all go down in order. The only way to block the chain reaction is to pull out a domino or to block the fall so the "chain" is broken.

The amount of fissionable material needed to accomplish a spontaneous chain reaction is called the critical mass. The critical mass for U-235 is about 1 kg. This explosive fission process takes place quickly, and an incredible amount of energy is released when it occurs.

So it would be C.

the answer for this is c

Why should you keep the thermometer in the middle of a jar of water when you are taking the temperature. Why should you not put the thermometer in at the side?


You put in the middle bucause when you put it on the side it reads the temperature of the glass! 

Hopethis helps
You should put it in the middle of he jar beacuse if you put it in he side it will be difficult to understand

Of the following metals, which is the LEAST reactive? A. K
B. Ca
C. Na
D. Mg


Answer: D. Mg


Chemical reactivity is defined as the tendency of an element to loose of gain electrons.

Metals are the elements which lose electrons and hence, their chemical reactivity will be the tendency to lose electrons.

Their chemical reactivity increases as we move top to bottom in a group because the valence shell come gets far away from the nucleus. Thus, the loss of electron from the valence shell becomes easier due to lesser attraction between nucleus and valence electron.

Their chemical reactivity decreases as we move from left to right in a period .As, the electrons get added up in the same shell, the electron in the outermost orbital gets near to the nucleus. And hence, the electron will be difficult to lose.Thus, the chemical reactivity of metals decreases.

For the given options:

Potassium(K) belongs to Group 1 and period 4 of the periodic table.

Calcium (Ca) belongs to Group 2 and period 4 of the periodic table.

Sodium (Na)belongs to Group 1 and Period 3 of the periodic table.

Magnesium (Mg) belongs to Group 2 and Period 3 of the periodic table.

Order of reactivity of metals follow:


Thus the LEAST reactive metal is Magnesium.

The Answer Should Be D.Mg

Sometimes clothes removed from the dryer cling together. What kinds of charges are on the clothes ?


The answer is "opposite charges."

Final answer:

When clothes are removed from the dryer and cling together, it is because static electricity is created from the clothes rubbing together in the dryer. This results in an imbalance of electrical charge on the clothes, with some having a net positive charge and others a net negative charge, which makes them attract and stick to each other.


When clothes are removed from the dryer and they cling together, this is due to the presence of static electricity. Static electricity occurs when materials are rubbed together, causing an exchange of electrons. This exchange results in the materials being electrically charged. In the case of your dryer, the process of tumbling and rubbing the clothes together can strip electrons from the clothes and deposit them on other pieces.

This creates an imbalance in charge, leading to some clothes having a net positive charge and others with a net negative charge. The positively charged clothes are attracted to the negatively charged ones, and this attraction causes the clothes to stick together. The force that brings these different charged clothes together is called electrostatic force. If the clothes are damp, the presence of water molecules can suppress the charge, reducing the static cling.

Learn more about Static Electricity here:


In terms of ecological succession,an undisturbed community tends to become __________ over time


It becomes more stable over time


more stable


In terms of ecological succession, a community tends to become more stable over time.

As an ecosystem changes over time, species best adapted to that habitat tend to replace other, lesser adapted species until an equilibrium is reached. When drastic changes in the numbers and types of species cease to occur, the community has reached a climax state.