Could some one help me with this im so confused 1. Which of these animals is the longest
A. la tortuga <--- my answer
B. la orca
C. el cangrejo
2. ________ arena es bonita
A. esto
B. esta <---- my answer
C. este
3. which of these animals is the biggest
A. orca
B. la tortuga
C. el delfin <--- my answer
fill in the blank
4. en igles el "tiburon" es the _____
5. fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjective
_________ chicas so alumnas (those)
6. En espanol un, "dolphin" es el_____
fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjective


Answer 1

1. Right answer:

B. la orca

The longest animal between these options is la orca that translates into killer whale, which is a toothed whale that belongs to the oceanic dolphin family, of which it is the largest member. This is the longest from the options, because tortuga means turtle and cangrejo means crab, that are smaller than killer whale.

2. Right answer:

B. esta

Esta is a demonstrative adjective. These adjectives demonstrate a quality about the noun they modify. Here that quality is the location in respect to the speaker or the listener. Esta comes from este and is used to point out something near to the speaker in space or time. We use esta instead of este because the noun arena is given in feminine form and recall that adjectives must match the nouns they describe in both gender and number. Finally:

Esta arena es bonita

3. Right answer:

A. orca

In this problem, just as in 1, we also have killer whale and turtle as options. The only change in this exercise is dolphin (delfín). So it is obvious that killer whale is the biggest animal from the list. So this animal has a considerable size and extent, or intensity

4. Right answer:


In English, el tiburón is the shark that is a very large fish with sharp teeth living in the ocean. This animal has a cartilaginous skeleton, a prominent dorsal fin, and toothlike scales. Most sharks are predatory, although the largest kinds feed on plankton. In another order of ideas, tiburón is a masculine singular noun, so the matching definite article is el

5. Right answer:


Esas is a demonstrative adjective that comes from ese and indicates something more distant, that is, nouns that are further from the speaker but they can be close to the listener. Moreover, esas is the feminine plural form of ese. This is being used here because chicas is a feminine plural noun.

6. Right answer:


Dolphin translates into delfín and is a large sea animal, similar to a fish, with a long nose. Moreover, this animal ha a beaklike snout and a curved fin on the back. These animals are better known for their sociable nature and high intelligence. In another order of ideas, delfín is a masculine singular noun, so the matching definite article is el.

Answer 2
Answer: 1) the first one is orca.
2) este
3) an orca is bigger

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In English, write six to eight sentences comparing cultural aspects of greetings in Spanish-speaking countries with greetings in your own culture. Use what you learned in the lessons to tell about three differences and three similarities. Please discuss non-verbal greetings and how respect is shown. You may also include verbal greetings, but do not simply translate phrases from one language to another.


Cultural aspects of greetings in Spanish-speaking countries and United States culture have many similitaries and differences.  

Among the similarities it is worth to mention the following:

1. In both cultures we use to say hello, how are you? or hola como estás? in informal conversations whenever you meet someone you already know.  

2. In formal conversations when you arrive to a place both cultures use to start greetings with good morning, good afternoon, good evening which in Spanish mean buenos días, buenas tardes and buenas noches.  

3. Also in both cultures we tend to say goodbye when we leave a place.


Latin Americans will usually greet friends and relatives more personally than do Americans.  

1. They give hugs - even the men! Men usually also greet woman with "besitos" meaning they touch cheeks while making a kissing noise with their lips.  

2. Woman also greet other woman with "besitos." These little kisses are purely friendly and have no romantic meaning.

3. in Argentina and Uruguay, men will also kiss men on the cheek when saying hello

Non verbal communication

1. Nonverbal language in Spanish culture is different from nonverbal culture in the United States. Be careful with hand gestures when visiting other countries. A thumbs-up to someone in the United States might mean something else in a different country.

For example, the hand gesture we use for "come here," the hand palm up with the index finger extending in and out three or four times, has a very different meaning in Latin America. It means that you are very romantically interested in the person and is considered a solicitation. To motion to someone in Latin America "come here" extend your hand palm down and move all four fingers in and out together three or four times.

The cultures of Spain are European culturesbased on a variety of historical influences, primarily that of Ancient Rome, but also the pre-Roman Celtic and Iberian culture, and that of the Phoenicians and the Moors.

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Correct answer choice is :

B) High- rise buildings


Casco Viejo, also recognized as Casco Antiguo or San Felipe, is the famous region of Panama City. Developed and established in 1673, it was organized following the near-total removal of the initial Panama city, Panama Viejo in 1671 when the latter was charged by pirates. It was nominated a World Heritage Site in 1997.

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