What statement CORRECTLY describes the connection between the government and the church in the Byzantine Empire?


Answer 1

The emperor holds most of the power in the empire. He governs both the government and the church. Because of this the Byzantine Empire was unified under the rule of the emperor. The Byzantine Empire is similar to the Roman Empire.

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The Glass-Steagall Act passed by Congress in 1933A)regulated the glass industry
B)created the Federal Reserve System
C)prohibited commercial banks from underwriting stocks and bonds
D)requires banks to purchase stocks


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C)prohibited commercial banks from underwriting stocks and bonds." The Glass-Steagall Act passed by Congress in 1933 C)prohibited commercial banks from underwriting stocks and bonds

Final answer:

The Glass-Steagall Act, passed by Congress in 1933, essentially barred commercial banks from underwriting stocks and bonds, thus separating commercial and investment banking.


The Glass-Steagall Act that was passed by Congress in 1933 mainly C) prohibited commercial banks from underwriting stocks and bonds. This protective measure was taken in response to the stock market crash of 1929 to prevent another similar event that resulted in the bank failures. It separated commercial banking from investment banking, effectively barring commercial banks from engaging in the business of security underwriting. This law was enacted to protect depositors and avoid conflicts of interest that might lead to speculative abuses.

Learn more about Glass-Steagall Act here:



Woodrow Wilson established which government institution to secure the US banking system?



Federal Reserve Board


The Federal Reserve Board is a central banking system that was created by the Federal Reserve Act, signed by President Woodrow Wilson. President Woodrow Wilson signed this act as a response to the Panic of 1907 which as a Financial Crisis that took place in 1907 caused by the falling of the New York Stock Exchange in 50%.

Woodrow Wilson established the Federal reserve bank

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Group decision making or collaborative decision making is the type of decision making that is done based on the one who is harmed the least.
This decision making is done by the group of people and comes up with a decision that will be helpful to them

It is based on the type of Ethical decisions, where what is always sought is to always do the greatest good, and the least harm, the least possible damage and the least amount of people.

a high school student refuses to participate in the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the school day. a teacher screams at the student and says that the student legally required to say the pledge of allegiance. the student claims that the bill of rights say that he/she does not have to. which amendment would he/she cite to prove this point?


The student may invoke the first amendment to the United States Constitution, which is part of the United States Bill of Rights.

In this declaration, Congress is prohibited from, among other things, establishing an official religion in the country. That is, it is a device that guarantees religious freedom.

In this way, the student can claim that by referring to God, the Loyalty Promotion should not be mandatory.

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The Fed is different from most countries' central banks because it has


It is not a single national bank but both a national and regional structure.