The ratio between the force of sliding friction and the normal force of an object is called _____.-rolling friction
-the drag
-the coefficient of friction
-the starting friction


Answer 1


The coefficient of friction


  • Friction is a force that opposes motion. Normal force on the other hand is a force that presses two surfaces together and is directed perpendicular to the contact surface; on a level surface. The magnitude of normal force is equal to the force of the object's weight but in the opposite direction.
  • The coefficient of friction shows the relationship between the force of friction between tow objects and the normal force between those objects.
Answer 2
Answer: The ratio between the force of sliding friction and the normal force of an object is called the coefficient of friction.

Hope this helped :)

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Final answer:

Scientific investigation is crucial in the development of the Theory of Natural Selection. This was illustrated by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the 19th century, who used systematic observation, measurement, and experimentation to formulate the theory that diversity of life arose gradually through natural selection. A notable example is Darwin's research on finches in the Galapagos Islands.


The role of scientific investigation in the development of the Theory of Natural Selection is crucial. Scientific investigation involves the systematic observation, measurement, experiment, and the formation of theories or hypotheses, which are then tested.

In the 19th century, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace independently devised the Theory of Natural Selection which proposed that the diversity of life arose through gradual changes in populations over time. They built this theory based on years of careful observation, note-taking, and hypothesis-testing - in essence, systematic scientific investigation.

For example, Darwin observed different variations of finches across the Galapagos Islands and made notes on their physical traits and habitats. Through rigorous analysis of this data, he eventually proposed that each species of finch adapted over generations to best suit its environment via the mechanism of natural selection.

So, scientific investigation played a fundamental role in the formulation and further development of this transformative biological theory.

Learn more about Natural Selection here:


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