Which word has a suffix?A) wonderful
B) incomplete
C) contest
D) measure


Answer 1
Answer: A suffix is a morpheme which is added at the end of the word in order to create a new word with a new meaning. From the choices above, the word that has a suffix is the word "wonderful". The answer is option A. The suffix in this word is "-ful" which means full of. The word wonderful means full of wonder.
Answer 2

The answer is option A. The suffix in this word is "-ful" which means full of. The word wonderful means full of wonder.

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In my opinion, a good student is a student that obeys rules, follows directions, and tries their best. A good student doesn't have to be a student with A'a in every class, because some people put their best into their work and doesn't get an A. This is all a good student needs. Getting an A simply means that you are smart, but doesn't mean you are a good student, because you can be smart and have A's and still cheat and be bad in school. 

Although I am an A+ student, I dont think I match the "good student" description. That is because I do not have the behavior of a good student. When I was in 7th grade, I could of improved my behavior by not skipping class. Me and my best friend would skip class, and I used to be favored by most of my teachers. That is why I used to fulfill the A+ grade. 

I think the thing I needed to do to become a good student was to improve my behavior, the other traits fit me perfectly. I used to try my hardest, never cheat, always be on time, and always follow directions. I also used to do extra work in class. 
In my opinion , a good student gets straight a's , doesn't cheat, obeys rules, turns things in on time. 

I don't fit this description because I don't get straight a's and I do cheat sometimes and I don't obey rules much and cant keep up with my work! ^w^ hope this helps! 

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b. conventions
c. sentence fluency
d. word choice


The answer is D. Word Choice requires the writer to carefully create images and clarify meanings. Words create a vital role in writing as these create a clearer picture or view in your the reader's mind, in order to understand the content. Proper word selection can highly influence and give more impact because it will evoke a vivid set of emotions making it more interesting to the readers.

To help a group of first grade students who are having trouble hearing two words rhyme


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A concrete noun is A. a noun that a writer chooses because it is accurate, specific, and detailed. They usually relate to the five senses.
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b. idiotic
c. ironic
d. happy


ironic. Irony is what authors use to express emphasis on the opposite of what they actually mean 
C.Ironic:opposite way to what is expected