Two-year-old Lupe dropped a block into her toy box. She then dropped a cup, a car, and a doll—some gently, and some with force. Lupe’s modification of her dropping scheme is an example of ________.A. equilibrium.
B. organization.
C. accommodation.
D. assimilation.


Answer 1




Equilibrium because it would be organization if she threw her toys in a particular way in order to organize them. Accomodation would be if she found the easiest and tidiest way of putting them into the box. It's equilibrium because of the pattern in which she administrates her energy when putting the toys in the box.

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Any behavior or activity that puts a person in danger and a critical situation is known as risky behavior. These problems could be financial, psychological, social and physical. Teenagers has a tendency to face these situations more frequently. So, one should avoid those activities that lead to risky situations and to suffering.

Some of the activities that leads to a risky situation are as follows-

1) Use of drugs and consumption of alcohol

2) Involve in Fights

3) Violating the rules and regulations

4) Activities that are illegal

5) Committing a crime

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Many people are concerned about the effects of the use of physical punishment to modify the undesirable behavior of children. Basing your answer on physiological knowledge, apply each of the following in an argument against the use of physical punishment. * Modeling * Classical conditioning of fear * Displacement * How would psychologists use the following processes to modify children’s undesirable behavior? * Positive reinforcement * Extinction


The use of physical punishment can be replaced with other forms of negative reinforcement.


The use of physical punishment for children with unruly behavior has a very bad effect in their overall mental condition and it is not advised.

This is because of certain reasons.

Displacement: the displacement of trauma according to psychoanalytic causes the child to feel the pain again and again throughout their life.

Classical conditioning: this means that the kid will associate physical pain with being subservient and it would hurt them in the future.

The better way to approach punishments is actually enforcement.

The child can be given positive reinforcement when they do something good by gifts and other things and can be deprived of said gifts or given smaller punishments like being locked or being cornered in terms of negative enforcement.

Final answer:

Modeling, classical conditioning of fear, and displacement are physiological processes that argue against the use of physical punishment to modify children's behavior. Psychologists, on the other hand, can use positive reinforcement and extinction as techniques to modify children's undesirable behavior.


Physical punishment is a controversial method for modifying the behavior of children. One argument against its use is based on modeling, where children learn through observation. When children see adults using physical punishment, they may imitate this behavior and use it themselves. This perpetuates a cycle of aggression and violence.

Another argument against physical punishment is classical conditioning of fear. When children are physically punished, they associate pain and fear with certain behaviors, which can lead to anxiety and emotional distress. This can interfere with their social and emotional development.

Displacement is another physiological process that can occur with physical punishment. Instead of learning from their mistake, children may redirect their frustration and anger towards others or objects, leading to further negative behaviors.

In contrast, psychologists can use positive reinforcement to modify children's undesirable behavior. By providing praise or rewards when children engage in appropriate behavior, they are more likely to repeat that behavior in the future. This helps shape their behavior in a positive way.

Extinction is another technique psychologists use to modify behavior. By withholding reinforcement or attention when children engage in undesirable behavior, psychologists can decrease the occurrence of that behavior. Over time, the behavior may eventually extinguish.

Learn more about Effects of Physical Punishment here:


True or False: Active resistance should be the immediate response to an active shooter incident.



This statement is true.


Active resistance is of vital importance in shooting incidents. It may be defined as ' fighting back with any objects of opportunity', meaning chairs, books, desks etc.

However, this approach is often not enough, especially if there are more than two shooters. The goal of active resistance is to incapacitate the shooter/shooters before the police or law enforcement officers arrive on the crime scene. Therefore, many schools offer specific programs to teach students how to react in such situations. Some of them are called Run-Hide-Fight, and include such practices as recognizing the threat, communicating the threat efficiently and escaping from the threat using all available means.

Final answer:

False, in an active shooter scenario, active resistance should be a last resort. Safety protocols recommend the 'Run, Hide, Fight' approach with 'Fight' being the last option after trying to 'Run' and 'Hide'.


False, active resistance should not be the immediate response to an active shooter incident. It is critical to remember that safety protocols typically recommend the 'Run, Hide, Fight' technique. This means that you should first attempt to evacuate if you can do so safely ('Run'), if not, find a safe place to hide and lock or barricade the entrance ('Hide'), and only when you are in imminent danger and have no other options should you attempt to disable the shooter ('Fight'). Therefore active resistance, or 'fight', should ideally be the last resort after 'run' and 'hide' options have been considered or attempted.

Learn more about Active Shooter Response here:
