Given the lattice energy of NaCl = 787 kJ/mol, the ionization energy of Na = 496 kJ/mol and the electron affinity of Cl = −349 kJ/mol, calculate the ΔH o for the reaction: Na(g) + Cl(g) → NaCl(s)


Answer 1

Answer :  The value of \Delta H_f^o for the reaction is, -640 KJ/mole

Explanation :  

The steps involved in the formation of NaCl :

(1) Conversion of gaseous sodium atoms into gaseous sodium ions.

Na(g)\overset{\Delta H_I}\rightarrow Na^(+1)(g)

\Delta H_I = ionization energy of sodium = 496 kJ/mol

(2) Conversion of gaseous chlorine atoms into gaseous chlorine ions.

Cl(g)\overset{\Delta H_E}\rightarrow Cl^-(g)

\Delta H_E = electron affinity energy of chlorine  = -349 kJ/mol

(3) Conversion of gaseous cations and gaseous anion into solid sodium chloride.

Na^(1+)(g)+Cl^-(g)\overset{\Delta H_L}\rightarrow NaCl(s)

\Delta H_L = lattice energy of sodium chloride  (always negative) = -787 kJ/mol

To calculate the overall energy the equation used will be:

\Delta H_f^o=\Delta H_I+\Delta H_E+\Delta H_L

Now put all the given values in this equation, we get:

\Delta H_f^o=496KJ/mole+(-349KJ/mole)+(-787KJ/mole)

\Delta H_f^o=-640KJ/mole

Therefore, the value of \Delta H_f^o for the reaction is, -640 KJ/mole

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See the answer below


A neutralization reaction is a reaction that involves acid and base with the production of salt and water as the end products. An example is as below:

HCl + NaOH --> NaCl + H2O

The salt produced here is NaCl. In solution, NaCl will ionize as:

NaCl --> Na^+ + Cl^-

Hence, the salt's positive ion (Na+) was contributed by the base (NaOH) while its negative ion (Cl-) was contributed by the acid (HCl).

Final answer:

In a neutralization reaction involving Ba(OH)2 and HNO3, the salt's positive ion comes from the base and the negative ion comes from the acid. In the molecular and net ionic equations, spectator ions, which are unaltered in the process, are included and excluded respectively.


In a neutralization reaction, an acid and a base react to produce water and a salt. Taking the provided reaction of Ba(OH)2 (aq) + 2HNO3(aq) → Ba(NO3)2(aq) + 2H₂O(1), the salt's positive ion (Ba²+), also known as the cation, comes from the the base, Ba(OH)2. The salt's negative ion (NO3-), also known as the anion, comes from the acid, HNO3. This reaction also represents a molecular equation where all reactants and products are represented as neutral substances. A net ionic equation would exclude the spectator ions, ions whose presence is required to maintain charge neutrality but are chemically and physically unaltered by the process.

Learn more about Neutralization Reactions here:
