Explain how precipitation affects which plants grow in a area?​


Answer 1


Percipitation helps plant growth because when the water falls, the plants suck the water up through the roots when the water seeps through the dirt that the plant is in, once the water is in the plant, it benefits the plant because without it, the plant will shrivil up and die

Hope this helps ;)

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The correct answers are:

- plates moving;

- breaking rocks;

- movement bellow the surface;

The earthquakes are a direct result of the plate tectonics. In order for an earthquake to appear, there should be a geologic activity caused by the movement of the tectonic plates. The movement of the tectonic plates causes a lot of pressure on the rocks. The rocks eventually break at certain places under the pressure. A they break, there's movement bellow the surface, or rather inside the crust, also referred to as adjustment. That movement and the release of power from it, causes lot of strong vibrations. The vibrations spread out and start shaking the ground in the surrounding area, which is actually the earthquake itself.


- plates moving

- breaking rocks

- movement bellow the surface

Help Please! "Which of the following is a thin pair of sedimentary beds that can be used to measure absolute time?"A. Varves

B. Radiometric Dating

C. Dendrochronology



The answer is A. Varves Hope this helps!