Why are all the different parts of the cell Necessary


Answer 1


The correct answer would be - every part of the cell has a specific function in order to make the body properly work.


The cell is the building block that is called a biological and fundamental unit of the body. The cell has cytoplasm enclosed by the plasma membrane that acts as a barrier that allows specific molecules to pass in or out. The cytoplasm has many cells organelle with specific functions.

For example, the mitochondrion is an organelle of the cell that acts as a power house as it provides the body energy in the form of ATP. Another example is the golgi apparatus that modify and package the protein so it can move from the target site with the help of vesicles.

Thus, the correct answer is - every part of the cell has a specific function in order to make the body properly work.

Answer 2
Answer: All the parts of a cell has separate functions with out the parts of a cell the body would not function ...

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The answer would be B. Redi and Pasteur
Hope this helps!

The tiny openings through which evaporation takes place in the leaves of plants are called _____.holes




any of the minute pores in the epidermis of the leaf or stem of a plant, forming a slit of variable width which allows movement of gases in and out of the intercellular spaces.


The tiny openings through which evaporation takes place in the leaves of plants are called stomata.

♡♡Hope I helped!!! :)♡♡

Describe how digestion in ruminant animals occur. You’ll get brainliest if the answer is accurate.


Answer:Digestion in ruminant animals is a complex and highly specialized process that allows them to extract nutrients from plant material, such as cellulose and other complex carbohydrates, which are otherwise difficult to break down. Ruminants are a group of mammals that includes cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and giraffes. The key to their unique digestive system is the presence of a specialized stomach with four compartments: the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum.


Here's a step-by-step description of how digestion occurs in ruminant animals:

Ingestion: Ruminants graze on plant material, primarily grasses and leaves, which they consume as their primary source of food.

Prehension: The food is initially ingested and mixed with saliva in the mouth. This is a mechanical process that breaks down the food into smaller pieces.

Rumen Fermentation: The ingested food then enters the first and largest compartment of the stomach, the rumen. In the rumen, microorganisms, including bacteria, protozoa, and fungi, break down cellulose and other complex carbohydrates present in the plant material. This fermentation process produces volatile fatty acids and other byproducts.

Regurgitation and Re-chewing: After some time, the partially digested food is regurgitated back into the mouth in the form of a cud. Ruminants then re-chew the cud to further break down the food particles and mix it with more saliva. This process is known as rumination.

Passage to the Other Compartments: Once the food is adequately broken down and fermented in the rumen, it is passed on to the reticulum, omasum, and finally to the abomasum (true stomach) in sequence.

Omasum: The omasum is responsible for reducing the size of the food particles and absorbing some of the water from the digesta.

Abomasum: The abomasum is the equivalent of a monogastric (single-chambered stomach) like that of non-ruminant animals. Here, gastric juices and digestive enzymes are secreted to further break down proteins and other substances.

Absorption: The small intestine follows the abomasum, where most of the nutrient absorption takes place. This includes the absorption of sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids.

Further Digestion: Any remaining indigestible materials, such as cellulose, continue to be broken down by microbial fermentation in the cecum and colon.

Excretion: Finally, waste products are eliminated from the body through the rectum and anus.

The process of fermentation in the rumen and other compartments is crucial in extracting energy and nutrients from plant material, which would be indigestible to non-ruminant animals. Ruminants have evolved this unique digestive system to efficiently utilize fibrous plant materials as their primary food source.

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B. Tumour cells and B-cells
C. B-cells and T-cells
D. Antibodies and antigens


I would say D I think that's right but I'm not so sure but I believe D

Do Aztecs have llamas?


No, the Aztecs did not have llamas. Llamas are native to South America and were primarily domesticated by the indigenous peoples of the Andean region, such as the Incas. The Aztecs, on the other hand, were an ancient civilization that inhabited central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th centuries. They did not have access to llamas in their region.

The Aztecs, however, did have other domesticated animals that were important for their society and economy. These included turkeys, dogs, and ducks. Turkeys were particularly valued for their feathers, meat, and symbolic significance in Aztec rituals and ceremonies.

While llamas were not present in Aztec culture, they did have a vast agricultural system that included crops like maize, beans, and squash. These crops formed the foundation of their diet and economy. Additionally, the Aztecs had a complex trade network that allowed them to obtain various goods from different regions, including exotic animals and products.

In summary, the Aztecs did not have llamas. Llamas are native to South America, while the Aztecs resided in central Mexico. They did, however, have other domesticated animals like turkeys and had a sophisticated agricultural and trade system.

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