How do u use alleles in a sentence


Answer 1
Answer: There may be many forms of a single gene. Each such form is called an allele

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A _____ is the smallest particle of a substance that has all the properties of the substance.


An atom is the smallest particle of a substance that has all the properties of the substance.

What is an Atom?

Every atom is composed of a nucleus and one or more electrons which are bound to the nucleus. The nucleus is made of one or more protons and a number of neutrons as well. Only the most common variety of hydrogen has no neutrons in it.

The electrons of an atom are attracted to the protons in an atomic nucleus through the electromagnetic force. The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are attracted to each other with the help of nuclear force. This force is usually stronger than the electromagnetic force which repels the positively charged protons from one another in the nucleus. Under certain circumstances, the repelling electromagnetic force between protons become stronger than the nuclear force. In this case, the nucleus splits and leaves behind different elements. This is a type of nuclear decay.

Learn more about Atom here:


If the substance is an element the answer is an atom. If the substance is a compound then the answer is a molecule.

Young animals approaching maturity might do which of the following to find mates or establish new territories?A. Exponential growth

B. Logistic growth

C. Emigration

D. Immigration


Answer: C. Emigration  


Young animals approaching maturity might do emigration, to find mates or to establish new territories. Emigration can be define as the migration or departure of individuals from their native land to the new land. The organisms usually find a suitable location where resources such as food, water and mates are available for copulation and reproducing offsprings. The increase in the population of the emigrant organisms help it to maintain their own territories against the competing members of the same population.

A and B are true of whole populations but not individuals and they are not something that young animals can "do" - we reject these options.

C. Yes- this means that they leave the territory of their parents and search for new territories: this is the correct answer.

ATP is composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and


3 phosphate groups, hence tri-phosphate

Peanut seedlings were grown under identical conditions. What factor could account for differences in height among the seedlings?


The correct answer of the given question above would be GENETICS. When peanut seedlings were grown under identical conditions, the factor that could count for differences in height among the seedlings is GENETICS. Hope this answer helps you. Thanks for posting your question.


Genetic factor


Height is the trait that is regulated by genetic and environmental factors. The type of the gene present in the genome of the organism and environmental factors such as nutrition, physical activity, surroundings etc. regulate the height of the organisms. If environmental factors are kept constant, the height would be regulated by genetic factors only.

How does the frogs vestigial thumb help survival?


Frogs have their way of avoiding the predators like camouflage, squirting the poisonous liquid out of their system and through their vestigial thumbs. This organ helps them by avoiding predation by stealth which makes them quiet and silent in moving so that predators won't notice them readily. 

Final answer:

The frog's vestigial thumb may provide some vestigial functions like clinging or handling prey. Like opposable thumbs in primates, it's a remnant from evolution, and may aid in survival-oriented activities or serve no current significant purpose.


The frog's vestigial thumb, much like opposable thumbs in primates, is believed to be a trait left over from previous evolutionary stages. While its function in frogs is not fully understood, it is suggested that vestigial structures like the thematic thumb could still retain some functional or minimal purpose, potentially related to clinging or handling prey. For example, in primates, the opposable thumbs and toes are an adaptive trait providing the ability to effectively grasp branches, cling onto surfaces, and hold objects which contributes vastly to their survival in arboreal environments.

Although in frogs the thumb likely doesn't grant the same mobility or dexterity as in primates, its presence may still aid in activities like feeding, movement, or escaping from predators. Also, it's important to note that not all traits are formed for survival or adaptive purposes and could be neutral or nonadaptive, serving no current significant function or benefit.

Learn more about Vestigial Thumb in Frogs here:


The fatty acids in the tail of a phospholipid molecule are?


It consist of two fatty acids, a glycerol molecule and a phosphate group that is controlled by an alcohol. Usually the phosphate group is the negatively charged polar head, making it hydrophilic. The fatty acids are chains of uncharged and non polar tails which makes these hydrophobic.


Nonpolar and Hyrdrophobic