Abraham Maslow, noted psychologist, theorized that people were motivated by


Answer 1
Answer: Abraham Maslow, noted psychologist, theorized that people were motivated by unmet needs. He created the hierarchy of needs which are self-actualization, esteem, love and belonging, safety, and physiological. He said that if there are four levels of needs that are being satisfied, that means that the individual is contented. 

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The Organization of African Unity was established to promote cooperation among new African Nations

The Organization of African Unity was created  on May 25th 1963 with 32 Members within the African Nations.

This organization was disbanded in 2002, only to be replaced by a new organization called The African Union
Following the postcolonial era, there was a need for an organization which would serve and promote the development and cooperation among African nations. This organization was called the Organization of African unity which was later replaced with the African Union. 

A similar organizaton in Europe is called the European Union. 

How were Ancient Greek city- states different from modern U.S. states?AEach city-state had its own laws; U.S. states do notBEach Greek city-state had its own languageC No central government united the city-statesDGreek city-states were ruled by kings not presidents


lot of different kinds of governments, because there were many differentcity-states in ancient Greece, and they each had their own government.People's ideas about what made a good government changed over time, too.


The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided Greek governments into monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies and democracies, and most historians still use these same divisions. For the most part, Greece began by having monarchies, then oligarchies, then tyrannies and then democracies, but at each period there were plenty of city-states using a different system, and there were many city-states which never did become democracies or tyrannies at all.

In the Late Bronze Age (the Mycenean period), between about 2000 and 1200 BC, all Greek city-states seem to have beenmonarchies, ruled by kings. Homer's Iliad, and Greek mythology in general, shows us a whole series of kings likeAgamemnon and Theseus, and some of their palaces have survived for archaeologists to dig up.

After the Dark Age, though, only a few Greek city-states still had kings. Sparta is the most famous of these, though actually Sparta had two kings, usually brothers or cousins, at the same time. One would stay home and the other go off to fight wars. 
Most city-states in the Archaic period were ruled byoligarchies, which is a group of aristocrats (rich men) who tell everyone else what to do. Then in the 600s and 500s BC a lot of city-states were taken over by tyrants. Tyrants were usually one of the aristocrats who got power over the others by getting the support of the poor people. They ruled kind of like kings, but without any legal right to rule.

In a classical conditioning experiment, a puff of air was blown into Rudy’s eye and he reflexively blinked. The experimenter then began flashing a green light just before presenting the puff of air. After many pairings of the green light and the puff of air, Rudy began to blink as soon as the green light appeared, whether or not the air puff followed. In this experiment, the green light is the:



Conditioned stimulus                                    


Conditioned stimulus: In psychology, the term has been used in the classical conditioning experiment which was developed by one of the famous and most influential psychologists named Ivan Pavlov while experimenting with dogs, and the term is often referred to as CS.

In a classical conditioning experiment, the conditioned stimulus is defined as a formerly neutral stimulus that is being paired or associated with an unconditioned stimulus to trigger or produce a conditioned response.

In the question above, the green light is the conditioned stimulus.

What country became a trade center because of Charles towns excellent harbor


I think you mean county, and the answers Charleston, BTW MIRANDA SINGS!! :-D

Norman is elected president of the debate club. he is known as a team player. that means that norman is


The fact that Norman is elected president of the debate club and he is known as a team player means that Norman is committed, collaborative, and competent.All these three are very important teamwork competencies.
Commitment involves a dedication to a the group's ideals and beliefs, goals and objectives.
Collaboration occurs when the group is a well-functioning team.

Final answer:

Being a 'team player' means that Norman is good at working with others and often prioritizes the group's success over his own. In a debate team context, this could mean he shares speaking time, supports teammates' points, and collaborates on arguments.


When someone is described as a team player, it means that they work well with others, often prioritizing the success of the group over their own individual achievements. In the context of a debate team, this might mean that Norman is good at collaborating with his teammates to formulate arguments, sharing speaking time, and supporting his teammates' points during a debate. Being a team player is usually seen as a very positive trait, especially in a leader like Norman, because it can contribute to a stronger, more unified team.

Learn more about team player here:
