What is a potential downside of narrowcasting? a.It gives Democrats an unfair advantage in elections.
b.It restricts the public's access to news that represents different ideologies.
c.It allows people to ignore news contradicting their preexisting points of view.
d.It increases the power of partisan newspapers.


Answer 1


b. It restricts the public's access to news that represents different ideologies.


Narrowcasting is about targeting people through mass media where only one point of view is showed as the right one. It is about giving a message to target a specific audience that is defined for things like values. Because of this, a potential downside of narrowcasting is that it restricts the public's access to news that represents different ideologies.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The primary downside of narrowcasting is that it allows people to ignore news contradicting their preexisting views, leading to echo chambers and limiting healthy public discourse. It also can restrict public's access to a balanced perspective on various issues.


The main pitfall of narrowcasting is represented by option C: It allows people to ignore news contradicting their preexisting points of view. Narrowcasting refers to the practice of tailoring news or other content to specific audience segments. This can result in an 'echo chamber' effect, where individuals are only exposed to information that supports their existing beliefs, and dissenting opinions are excluded. This leads to a lack of balanced information exposure which can further polarize viewpoints and limit healthy discourse on vital issues.

Option B also touches on a related downside, which is restricting public's access to news that represents different ideologies. But it's primarily the ability to selectively choose information and opinions that align with theirs that's the real danger posed by narrowcasting.

Learn more about narrowcasting here:



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