In The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, the shepherd offers the charms ofa. monetary wealth
c. rustic pleasures
b. lifelong love
d. a long life


Answer 1

The correct answer is for sure C. rustic pleasures for sure.

Hope I helped.

Answer 2

Final answer:

In 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,' the shepherd offers the promises of both a lifelong love (option b) and the joys of rustic pleasures (option c), not material wealth or a long life.


In the poem The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe, the shepherd does not offer the promises of monetary wealth or a long life. Instead, he offers the lures of rustic pleasures and lifelong love. He tries to persuade his love of the frugal yet fulfilling life they can live amidst nature, with pleasures derived from the beauty and simplicity of the rural landscape. The shepherd's passionate promises also include pledging his unending and faithful love. So, both option b (lifelong love) and option c (rustic pleasures) represent the shepherd's offerings to his love.

Learn more about Offers in The Passionate Shepherd to His Love here:


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an either/or argument
an overgeneralization
a questionable cause-and-effect statement


The correct answer is: An overgeneralization.

An overgeneralization is the extension of an application from a set of individuals to every individual that shares a set of characteristics, when in reality, this extension is without merit.

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "A. gerrymandering." Drawing electoral-district boundaries in a way to favor a particular group is called gerrymandering.

The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "
B. single participant debate." All of the following are types of debates EXCEPT single participant debate.