This structure is the physical location at which the coordination of information and resources to support incident management (on-scene operations) activities normally takes place.


Answer 1
Answer: Hi. I'm not sure if there was supposed to be choices but I'll go ahead with answering this item. The structure that is meant is the Emergency Operations Center. It is the physical location at which the coordination of information and resourced support incident management (on-scene operations) activities normally takes place.

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Michael is exceptionally good at Ping-Pong. According to research on social facilitation, when good players such as Michael know they are being watched while they play, they perform...



They perform better than those who do not know.


According to social facilitation theory, a person will perform better when in the presence of others. This is especially consistent for well-rehearsed or very familiar tasks. A much more difficult or unfamilar task could actually result in inferior performance.

The phenomenon was first observed by psychologist Norman Triplett, when he noticed that cyclists did faster times when in the presence of other equally skilled cyclists.

What were the articles of Confederation? Why has the government under the articles of confederation been judged a failure? Explain several problems of the united states under the articles of confederation which explains why some Americans wanted to create a stronger central government.


The Articles of the Confederation contained 13 articles that ruled the 13 Colonies recently liberated from the British Crown. They were the basis to the Federal Constitution that would replace it a few years later.

In summary, the articles expressed:

1. The Confederation name as The United States of America;

2. The sovereignty of each Confederation State;

3. The compromise of each State with liberty;

4. Ensure the perpetual friendship between the States;

5. The presence of one State Representative in the Congress;

6. The Central Government would have the right to a war declaration, after mutual decision;

7. States would be able to promote their army;

8. National expenditures would be shared between all States;

9. The formation of a National Congress;

10. The rules of the Congress recesses;

11. The possibility for the Canadian Province of Quebec to join the Confederation;

12. The existence of war debts before the Articles;

13. The perpetuity of the declaration.

Unfortunately, for the Confederation States, there was a lack of power, as this declaration didn’t make them strong enough to develop by themselves, needing a centralized government to reinforce the Confederation non-dissolution. An example is the Shay’s Rebellion, which exposed the state's weakness.

Therefore economic and trade matters were ruled by each state, which brought more difficulties for their development. After the Constitutional Convention, held in Philadelphia in 1787, it was decided that a Central Government would be formed, and the head of the State would be the Head of the Nation.  

The Articles of the Confederation ruled the 13 Colonies from July 1776, until Novembre 1777. The Federal Constitution was adopted on March 4, 1789.

If you're in a car accident caused by someone else who also has insurance, which type of insurance plan will not require you to pay out of pocket costs? a.) High deductible plan
b.) Low deductible plan
c.) either A or B
d.) neither A or B


the answer is D. A or B
Under obamacre rules, all plan actually have out of pocket cost. But, you still has the chance to suppress the cost by using out of pocket limit.
Without of pocket limit, insurance holder could control the risk by putting a cap limit on how much they wanted to spend in the insurance
If you cause a car accident, Low deductible plan of insurance will require you to pay the least out of pocket. but If you're in a car accident caused by someone else who also has insurance, either a.) High deductible plan or b.) Low deductible plan will not require you to pay out of pocket costs.

If somebody hits your vehicle and damages it, you'd be creating a claim against their liability coverage and there wouldn't be a deductible due for either you or the opposite driver. If the insurance company finds their coated driver utterly guilty your vehicle is repaired at no price to you.

The Eighth Amendment protects against


The Eighth Amendment protects against extreme punishments.

The 8th Amendment to the US Constitution prevents the general goverment from imposing excessive bails, fines or cruel or disproportionate punishments.  Certain kinds of punishment are totally banned such as drawing and quartering, although the capital punishment (death) is still allowed when somebody is convincted of murder.

Hey, Eliviolataldo!

The Eighth Amendment protects us against cruel or unusual punishment excessive bail,and excessive fines.

I hope this helps;)

Which of the following limited opportunities for freedom in the south after the civil war ended?A- radical reconstruction B-lincolns ten percent plan C- Jim Crow laws D- the fourteenth amendment My answer- D


I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is the last option. It is the fourteenth amendment that limited the opportunities for freedom in the south after the civil war ended.
Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

I am from connexus social studies 8th grade and the answer is the black codes and here are the other answers

#1 A. President Johnson encouraged former Confederate States to reject the 14th amendment, and D. President Johnson fired several military commanders who supported radical reconstruction

#2. D. They worried that the Supreme Court would find the civil rights act unconstitutional

#3. C. the black codes

#4. D. Radical republicans wanting to guarantee freedmen were given the right to vote

This year Andrews achieved an ROE of 4.7%. Suppose management takes measures that decrease Asset turnover (Sales/Total Assets) next year. Assuming Sales, Profits, and financial leverage remain the same, what effect would you expect this action to have on Andrews's ROE?



ROE will decreases


We know that ROE is given by

ROE = Profit Margin (Profit/Sales) ×Total Asset Turnover (Sales/Assets) ×Equity Multiplier (Assets/Equity)

It is given that total Asset Turnover (Sales/Assets) decline keeping other things constant

As the ROE is directly related to the total asset turnover so ROE will also decreases