Jacob’s favorite short story is titled “Greatest of Ease.” It’s about a circus trapeze artist recovering after a particularly nasty fall. Jacob writes a review of the story on his blog and includes the following quotes: “He hobbled into the tent on his crutches so that he might see the rigging where he lost his footing.” “The physical therapy was painful and frustrating, but he performed his exercises every day.” “He barely slept the night before his first training session—not out of nervousness, but from excitement.” How are these pieces of textual evidence related? A. They support the analysis that trapeze acts are dangerous without the proper safety equipment. B. They support the analysis that the trapeze artist is a determined character who will perform again. C. They support the analysis that physical therapy is painful and frustrating for both the patient and the therapist. D. They support the analysis that people attend circus performances because they like to see trapeze acts.


Answer 1




These two pieces of text are both related to the resolve and determination of the wounded trapeze artist. He is clearly an individual with an enormous amount of willpower who refuses to let an injury destroy his career.

The trapeze artists invests the same amount of energy and gusto into the physical therapy training session as he did into his routine on the rigging.

Answer 2




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Sobre poema AI SE SÊSSE , marque a alternativa abaixo sobre o que é correto afirmar: II. O poema é um gênero literário que normalmente se apresenta em versos, mas pode também dispensar estrofes, rimas e métrica. III. Para que um texto seja considerado poema, é preciso que ele apresente uma forma fixa, rimas e métricas, conforme os ideais clássicos de poesia. IV. O poema pode receber diferentes classificações de acordo com sua estrutura e temática, entre essas classificações estão o soneto, o haicai, o madrigal, a ode, o hino e a écloga. (A) I e III estão corretas. (B) II e III estão incorretas. (C) II e IV estão corretas. (D) Todas estão corretas.


Answer: English version:

About poem AI SE SESSE, check the alternative below on what is correct to say: II. The poem is a literary genre that normally presents itself in verses, but it can also dispense with stanzas, rhymes and metrics. III. For a text to be considered a poem, it must have a fixed form, rhymes and metrics, according to the classic ideals of poetry. IV. The poem can receive different classifications according to its structure and theme, among these classifications are the sonnet, the haiku, the madrigal, the ode, the hymn and the eclogue. (A) I and III are correct. (B) II and III are incorrect. (C) II and IV are correct. (D) All are correct.

Explanation: translated from portuguese

I need help, please,,,,,,,,,,,,,thanks



1. F

2. D

3. H

4. E

5. J


7. A

8. G

9. B

10. I


I am learning Japanese I already know hiragana and katakana and am learning kanji but I just don't understand how I am going to be speaking or even reading full Japanese words


you got this. don’t doubt urself! it’s challenging towards everyone to learn a new language so your totally fine! put all your effort and dedication into it and you’ll get the hang of it as you go.

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it could cause drowsiness or impair your reaction time