This map shows the extent of the territory conquered by Alexander the Great. What conclusion can you draw about Alexander's empire from this map?


Answer 1

Answer: he was able to unite the persian ones woth the greek ones

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Which of the following was NOT part of Alexander Hamilton’s plan to build a strong economy in America?a) charter a national bankb) pay off the national debt and state debts from the Revolutionary Warc) establish the first income tax to pay off the Revolutionary War debtd) impose an excise tax on whiskey and tariffs to pay off the Revolutionary War debts
Two of the conditions agreed upon to bring an end to the Vietnam War were: a. American troops would leave within one year. b. Democratic elections would be held in South Vietnam. c. American POWs in North Vietnam would be freed. d. The U.S would stop supplying aid to South Vietnam.

Why did countries begin to establish colonies and trading posts?to create more space for overpopulated countries
to provide raw materials that would otherwise have to be imported
to begin new religious and commercial movements


At the time when the first colonies were established, the population of Earth was a lot smaller than today- so I don't think they did it because of overpopulation. 

The reason was to gain riches and specific goods, such as spices and gold - the closes of the given options is the middle one, to provide raw materials. 


to provide raw materials that would otherwise have to be imported


Which of the following is least like Judaism?. . A.Sikhism, a monotheistic religion. B.Islam, which follows the Ten Commandments. C.Christianity, which believes in only one god. D.Vedic religion, which believes in many gods. Im thinking D because they believe in one single god


the one that is the least like judaism is : d. Vedic religion, which believe in many gods.

Judaism is the ancient monotheistic religion. which means that it only believed in one God. So do Sikhism, Islam, and Christianity

hope this helps

D.Vedic religion, which believes in many gods.

What are the characteristics of certified forests?They follow strategies for resource management.
They distribute forest use benefits fairly.
They reduce forest biodiversity.
They protect habitats.
They cover one hundred square miles.


A certified forest is the one that is managed with certain standards to use the resources, like wood, in a sustainable and responsible way. In the United States, one of the non-profitable organizations that certifies the management of forest is the Forest Stewardship Council, and the benefits of this activity are many like the environmental protection, the community engagement and the protection of endangered species, as well as human lives. To be a certified forest it is necessary to:

They follow strategies for resource management.  

They distribute forest use benefits fairly.  

The protect habitats.

They follow strategies for resource management.

They distribute forest use benefits fairly.

The protect habitats.

I hope this helps!

The mid-Atlantic colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn PRIMARILY because of his



The mid-Atlantic colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn primarily because of his desire of religious freedom.


William Penn received the colony of King Charles II instead of paying a £16,000 debt owed by the Crown to his father, a naval hero, Admiral William Penn.

The establishment of the colony solved the problem of the growth of the Religious Society of Friends or "Quaker" movement born in England, which caused some embarrassment to the Church of England established before. While still in England, Penn wrote the First Frame of Government, which described the government structure of the colony and promised certain rights to citizens.

As part of the Middle Colonies, Pennsylvania was a proprietary colony. Unlike other proprietary colonies, its taxes were reinforced by the British Parliament. The colony was separated by the 42nd and 39th latitudes and the Delaware River to the east with an east-west distance of 5 degrees longitude. It was bordered by the colonies of New York, Maryland (defined by the Mason-Dixon Line in 1763), and New Jersey. The three counties of the Delaware colony, taken from the Dutch, were transferred to William Penn by the Duke of York in 1682, but regained by a deed a separate existence in 1704.

He wanted religious freedom and tolerance for all.

As a part of the transportation revolution in the 1800's, all of the following modes of transportation increased in availability and use, except which?


Airplanes and perhaps horses

What was the main reason Joseph Stalin created collective farms?Soviet farms were old-fashioned and inefficient.

Collective farms would create many new jobs.

Farmland could be turned into industrial land.

Wasteful crop surpluses would be eliminated.



"Soviet farms were old-fashioned and inefficient."


A collective farm was a collective farm in the Soviet Union. The kolkhozes were established by Vladimir Lenin just after the triumph of the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a form of peasant cooperative aimed at eliminating the latifundia of the great Russian landowners. For this, the Bolshevik government carried out massive expropriations of the landlords and handed over the lands thus obtained to the cooperatives formed by peasants related to the regime, although always granting on these lands only a "right of use" but not of property as one of the first measures of the Bolshevik government was to nationalize all real estate properties. The farmers affiliated to the kolkhoz could own some small production assets (as agricultural tools) and were forced to give production quotas to the state.

After the abolition of the NEP in 1925, the government of Joseph Stalin stimulated the creation of more kolkhozes in order to increase the amount of agricultural production held by the Soviet State, in order to dedicate it to export and thus reinsert the Soviet Union into the Soviet Union. International Trade. This effort culminated in 1928 with the official prohibition of private agrarian exploitations and their enforced collectivity, using violence against peasants who refused to join a collective farm. The obligatory integration of small landowners in the collective farms (or "forced collectivization") was accompanied by a brutal political repression against the recalcitrant peasants, characterized by mass arrests, forced labor camp deportations and summary executions among the rural population. one of the first repressive policies of the Stalin regime.


1.) Soviet farms were old-fashioned and inefficient.


Other Questions
Read the following historical perspectives from two modern-day historians. Which of the following explains why Historian B mentions the Boston Massacre while Historian A does not?Historian A: The American Revolution was caused by the American colonists’ greedy desire for more money. They were simply tired of paying their fair share of taxes to the British government, even though British troops protected the colonies during the French and Indian War! Furthermore, their claims to be fighting for freedom and liberty are totally wrong. Many of the colonists still owned slaves at the time of the Revolution! The traitorous American colonists simply wanted to steal land that was already claimed by Great Britain. Historian B: The American Revolution was completely justified due to Great Britain’s repeated abuse of the colonists. The British passed enormous taxes on goods in the colonies, even though the Americans had no say in the British government. British soldiers were also allowed to live in American houses and eat common people’s food without paying. During the Boston Massacre, British soldiers even fired their muskets into a crowd of civilians! Under such oppressive conditions, it’s no wonder that the patriotic colonists would want to fight for the freedom and liberty of all people! A. Historian B is biased in favor of the British and only includes information that supports them. B. Historian B tries to establish that high British taxes forced the colonists to commit acts of violence. C. Historian A makes the claim that the Boston Massacre was made up by lying American colonists. D. Historian A does not want to mention any events that might make the British look cruel or aggressive.