The Mexicans attacked Taylor's troops to begin the Texas Revolt.


Answer 1
Answer: This is a somewhat true statement. What happened was President Polk sent troops to the disputed territory. The Mexicans thinking the land was their land attacked the Americans. While it may be true the Mexicans did attack the Americans, it was because the Americans provoked them.
Answer 2

Answer: The correct answer is San Antonio


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Hey Jasmine812!

Ismail was known for founding the Safavid Empire and becoming a Shah. The correct answer would be C.

Hope this helps!

The answer is C.

He was know for conqured Persia in the early Sixteenth century, became shah, and founded the Safavid Empire.

  I hoped it help you out.

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C: The American spirit of exploration


sorry for being 2 years late

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CAN U PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!??????????????????Which are characteristics of life in Sparta but not Athens?

Choose all answers that are correct.

People elected their rulers.

Boys left home at age seven for military training.

Slaves called helots tilled fields and did hard labor.

Many women served in the military.


Hopefully this will help you understand
(Spartawas a society built entirely around military life. Spartan citizenmales were taken at the age of seven to be trained as warriors. Theywere expected to spend their time in miltary training, and live incommunal barracks. meanwhile their farms were run by the woman and theslaves.

In Athens, all citizen males were expected to do two years militarytraining from the age of eighteen, and they were expected to be ready togo to war at any time, but they were not entirely devoted to miltiarypurposes. Athens, like Sparta, was a slave-based economy, 50% of thepopulation were slaves.

Athens was a democracy, male citizens would gather in an assembley wherethey would elect officials, and vote on various issues. Sparta had twokings, both hereditary, but there were five ephors, elected by thecitizen assembley, who oversaw and had veto power over the kings, so itwas an interesting mixture of oligarchy and democracy.

In Athens, women would generally marry at quite an early age, aroundtwelve to fourteen. They were expected to stay at home most of thetime, and busy themselves spinning and weaving, and supervising theslaves. Women of the lower classes would go out and about more, as theywould have to work for a living, and  would not have slaves to do thingslike fetching water etc. Women took no part in political life, butthey did participate fully in religious life, taking part in festivals,joining the msytery cults etc.

In Sparta, women were expected to exercise and keep fit like men, sothat they would bear healthy children. They generally married later thanAthenian women, at around eighteen. The women were mostly left to runthings while the men were away, which gave them more freedom on thewhole than Athenian women had.

The arts were more important in Athens than they were in Sparta. Athensproduced many notable philosophers, writers, mathematicians, etc,whereas in Sparta military glory was everything. Even their poets weremartial. Early Sparta produced some beautiful pottery and bronzes, butunlike Athens they had no coinage, they used iron spits several feetlong for money.) Hope this helps


- boys left home at age seven for militairy training.

- slaves called helots tilled fields and did hard labor.


i just did the test :]]

if you see this, make sure you're hydrating, eating food, and getting enough rest! you matter, you are valid! <33

How were the provisions of the interstate commerce act and the Sherman antitrust act similar


The second one is right