Which form does a verb take when the subject performs the action


Answer 1
Answer: Hey, Keasdia!
An action verb!
I hope this helps;)
Answer 2
Answer: action verb :p hahahahahah

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The lines from the speech which supports the idea that Roosevelt thinks truthful investigative journalism is a necessity is: "There should be relentless exposure of and attack upon every evil man whether politician or business man, every evil practice, whether in politics, in business, or in social life."

The answer is letter A. 


"There should be relentless exposure of and attack upon every evil man whether politician or business man, every evil practice, whether in politics, in business, or in social life."

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The answer is B.Her ancestors immigrated to the United States from Ireland four generations ago. 

b. Her ancestors immigrated to the United States from Ireland four generations ago.

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I would assume the person/thing that made the lamb.. I could be reading it wrong but I would say its refering to god/jesus.
There's no specific answer to that question, good friend!!

The "he" is in reference to God, who is spoken of in The Lamb by the same William Blake.

If you wanna get like, really "time to break down the poem"-y, God made the Lamb (Jesus), could he also have made the Tiger (the devil).

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The correct answer of this question is option A. Both the duchess and the beloved try to escape from their lovers. In "My Last Duchess", the duchess betrayed the duke. The speaker believed that his fate is to chase her beloved in "Life in a Love".

The correct answer is A.

In “My Last Duchess,” the speaker, the Duke of Ferrara, explains that his late wife was flirty and ungrateful. She was trying to escape her husband and when her behaviour escalated he took action and ended her life.

In "Life in a Love," the beloved of the speaker has stated her intentions of leaving him. However, he declares that he will never allower her to do so. That it is his destiny to chase her, and even if she turns him down, he will continue to pursue her.

Which BEST describes rhetoric used this poem? A) zeugma and allegory B) anadiplosis and expletives C) extended metaphor and zeugma D) extended metaphor and rhetorical question



B) anadiplosis and expletives

Explanation: Anadiplosis is a figure of speech in which a word or group of words located at the end of one clause or sentence is repeated at or near the beginning of the following clause or sentence. This line from the novelist Henry James is an example of anadiplosis: "Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task.

 Anadiplosis is the literary term for a rhetorical device in which a writer or speaker uses a word near the end of the clause and then repeats that word to begin the next clause. The repetition of the word calls attention to it as a main point of the text or speech.

Answer:the correct answer is D


I just did it

. Which of the following is a strategy for using rhetorical language in public speaking A. varying the rate at which you speak B. repeating key words for emphasis C. maintaining eye contact D. varying the pitch of your voice


 it's B. repeating key words for emphasis  
because it repeats keywords and phrases and you want to identify your most important points. 


