Explain whether nitrogen atoms will form bonds with other atoms


Answer 1

Nitrogen can also bond with otherthree atoms because of its outer shell (valence shell) that has three electrons.This is the reason why organic molecules can be so large because of thisbonding. Suppose you have a compound of NH3. You know that hydrogen can onlyshare 1 electron because 7 of its electrons are filled. Also, in nitrogen, it canonly share 3 electrons because 5 of it are already filled. That is why nitrogenneeds three hydrogen to form NH3. 

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How many moles are in 213 grams of NaCl?



There are 3, 64 moles of NaCl.


First we calculate the mass of 1 mol of NaCl, starting from the atomic weights of Na and Cl obtained from the periodic table. Then we calculate themoles in 213 grams of NaCl, making a simple rule of three:

Weight NaCl= Weight Na + Weight Cl = 23 g + 35, 5 g= 58, 5 g/ mol

58,5 g ------1 mol NaCl

213 g---------x= (213 g x 1 mol NaCl)/ 58, 5 g= 3, 64 mol NaCl

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A car battery turning a car on.

Changes in DNA are known as mutations and can be sometimes produce beneficial changes in population. A mutant form of the normally light-colored peppered moth is dark-colored. The dark-colored moth blends in with soot-covered trees in heavily polluted areas.Why would the dark-colored mutation be beneficial in a polluted area?


The dark-colored mutation could be beneficial in a polluted area because this phenotype may confer an adaptive advantage.

A mutation is any alteration in the nucleotide DNA sequence (genome) of an organism.

Mutation can be beneficial, deleterious, or neutral depending on the environmental conditions in which the individual lives.

In this case, the dark-colored mutation could be beneficial for an insect living in a polluted area because bright-colored phenotypes make the moth very conspicuous to visual predators.

In consequence, dark-colored insects have more chances to survive and reproduce (i.e., they have an adaptive advantage), thereby these insects have more chances of passing this mutation to the next generation.

In conclusion, the dark-colored mutation could be beneficial in a polluted area because this phenotype may confer an adaptive advantage.

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The dark colored moths are beneficial in a polluted area because they have a lesser chance of being eaten since they blend into the trees polluted with soot. 

Is melting cheese a physical or chemical change it's for science


In the given question, melting cheese is a type of physical change.

A physical change is defined as a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as its shape, size, or state, without changing its chemical composition.

When cheese is melted, it changes from a solid to a liquid state, but its chemical composition remains the same. The molecules in the cheese are simply rearranged as it is heated, causing it to melt.

Therefore, melting cheese is a physical change. This is because the cheese changes from a solid to a liquid state, but its chemical composition remains the same.

Learn more about physical change here:



It is a physical change because it is a solid going to a liquid.

Which model below would best describe the digestive system?a long hollow tube with openings at both ends
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a candle stick
a water balloon tied at the top


if it were me I would use the long hollow tube with opening at the end
I'd say a long hollow tube with a hole at the end.
Hope this helps! :)

Which of the following is a element water,oxygen, carbon dioxide ammonia


If you look on the periodic table, you'll find that oxygen is an element. You can also find out by looking up how each formula is written. Oxygen - O | Carbon Dioxide - CO2 | Water - H2O | Ammonia - NH3. An element has only one capital letter. Oxygen is the only one which falls under that category.

