What is the purpose of the cell cycle


Answer 1
Answer: The purpose of cell cycle is to replicate those parents cell by dividing into cells but maintaining the original cell genome. The cell cycle composes of two phases, the interphase wherein the cells are still growing and preparing for mitosis, the other phase is mitotic phase where in the cells will separate to create daughter cell.
Answer 2


D - growth, repair, and reproduction of cells


An Overview of the Cell Cycle. The most basic function of the cell cycle is to duplicate accurately the vast amount of DNA in the chromosomes and then segregate the copies precisely into two genetically identical daughter cells. These processes define the two major phases of the cell cycle.

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(C) because when substances dissolve in it completely, it is called solution which has a even colour all over and no things settled down. But when we see undissolved things that do not settle down, it is called an colloid which make the visibility through it a little opaque and not clear like in the solution

What initiates an action potential on a muscle cell?


a change in membrane potential

Final answer:

An action potential in a muscle cell is initiated by acetylcholine, which binds to receptors on the muscle cell membrane, causing depolarization. This triggers voltage-gated sodium channels to open, allowing sodium influx into the cell, which propagates the action potential. The action potential then leads to muscle contraction.


An action potential on a muscle cell is initiated through a complex sequence of events. First, a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine (ACh) is released from the motor neuron and binds to receptors on the muscle cell membrane or sarcolemma. This binding opens up a channel in the ACh receptor, allowing positively charged sodium ions to enter the muscle fiber.

This ion movement causes the muscle fiber to depolarize, or become less negative, changing the membrane potential. As the membrane depolarizes, another set of ion channels, the voltage-gated sodium channels, are activated and trigger an influx of more sodium ions into the muscle fiber.

This flooding of sodium ions propagates an action potential, or electrical signal, across the entire muscle cell membrane. This action potential then interacts with the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium ions, leading to muscle contraction.

Learn more about Action Potential here:



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Which of the following organisms feed on the detritus found in wetlands? a. aquatic insects b. birds c. reptiles d. predatory fish


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. Aquatic insects are the insects that feed on the detritus found in wetlands. Detritus are organic matter that is produced by decomposition and most likely in wetlands insects that are aquatic feed on these matter.


a. aquatic insects


Aquatic insects constitute an important component of freshwater aquatic biodiversity. In addition to being very abundant in rivers and streams, they are also present in lakes and temporary water stagnations (wetlands). In water sources, these insects can live attached to stones, in decaying leaves and plant material or buried in fine sediment. Aquatic insects have different eating habits and therefore have multiple behavioral and morphological modifications.

Aquatic insects can live attached to stones, in decaying leaves and plant material or buried in fine sediment. According to the place where they live and the availability of resources, these insects have different eating habits. In this line, we have predatory aquatic insects of other insects or vertebrates such as turtles (access contents about turtles) and fish, feeding on living tissue of vascular plants and detritivorous habits that means that they feed on organic matter in suspension in the water column.

In the evolutionary history of aquatic insects, due to diversification in eating habits, they have modifications in their body appendages. In this context, we have predatory aquatic insects with raptorial legs to hold the prey, with a raptorial lip like dragonflies for the same purposes, and other detritus filters have multiple mushrooms on the anterior legs and mouth structures to retain organic matter.

According to the mode of acquisition of food, we have predators that actively forage in search of prey such as dragonflies, also passive predators such as hemiptera of the Belostomatidae family. Detritivorous aquatic insects, meanwhile, can be filters, crushers, collectors or scrapers of organic matter.

A _____ virus cycle leads only to cell lysis, and a _____ virus cycle involves phage genome integration into the host genome. Choose one: A. temperate; lysogenic B. lysogenic; virulent C. lysogenic; lytic D. lytic; lysogenic


Answer: D

A lytic virus cycle leads only to cell lysis, and a lysogenic virus cycle involves phage genome integration into the host genome.

In lysogenic virus cycle,the virus DNA replicates itself using a host DNA while in lytic virus cycle,the virus replicates it's DNA and destroys the host cell.

Viruses undergo two(2) types of DNA replications which are lysogenic cycle or the lytic cycle.

In the lysogenic cycle, a bacteriophage virus makes it's way into a bacteria cytoplasm and deposits it's DNA.The DNA of the virus is further replicated by the bacterial proteins,this replication continues with the aid of the bacteria machinery until the virus DNA eventually switch to the the lytic cycle.

In lytic cycle,lots of the virus DNA are produced and encapsulated in capsids or proteins covers.

The capsids are further released into the environment to infect other bacteria and the cycle continues.