While many Russian soldiers were on the front during World War I, most of those who remained behind responded to the February Revolution by


Answer 1
Answer: They were joining the revolution instead of trying to stop it.

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Supreme Court Justices are appointed for a term of


The Constitution states that Justices " shall hold their Offices during good behavior." This means that the  Justices hold office as long as they choose and can only be removed from office by impeachment.

The Supreme Court Justices can hold office as long as they maintain a good behavior or are not impeached. They have the right to hold office for life. The The Supreme Court Justice has the right to resign or retire when he or she feels the necessity. This is the power given to the Justices of the Supreme Court by Article III, Section 1 of the United States constitution. If any case of treason, or bribery is found against the Justices of the supreme court then they can be impeached and removed from their post permanently. It is almost the same as in the case of the President.

During the Age of Exploration, what motivated European monarchs andexplorers to pursue new routes for trade and colonization?


Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity. Hope this is right lol

the wanted to avoid india and just go straight to asia when trading, and also the need for more resources ofc

Which is the best description of the living and working conditions of the urban poor at the turn of the twentieth century?



The best descriptions for the living and working conditions of the urban poor at the turn of the twentieth century, are: unsafe, unsanitary and unsanitary.


At the turn of twentieth century, and because of industrialization, and a decrease of opportunities in rural areas, the urban regions became overpopulated with people looking for jobs, easier access to the perks of city life, and running away from lack of opportunities in the country. As such, cities like Chicago, New York, among others not just in the United States, but around the world, began to face a problem of overcrowding especially in living areas, and the working places fared no better. In factories, there was little regulation on how workers did their jobs and apart from crowding, they had to face unsanitary conditions, which caused a lot of incidents and accidents. This without mentioning that buildings were not appropriately adapted to sustain so many workers safely, and ensure their safety. In living conditions things were not much better, and there was a burst of production of really small and clustered living units where families with more than 5 members could live in really small spaces. All these conditions made the urban poor face really unhealthy, unsafe and unsanitary situations.

Both living and working conditions were unsafe

How is an explanation different from an argument?a. An explanation presents an opinion, but an argument relies on evidence.
b. An explanation is biased, but an argument is objective.
c. An explanation asserts a claim, but an argument provides a counterclaim.
d. An explanation provides information, but an argument asserts a claim.


One way in which an explanation is different from an argument is that "d. An explanation provides information, but an argument asserts a claim," although there is an overlap between the two as well. 

The correct option is D

Explain an event or a thing is to express through language, concepts, causes, descriptions, genesis or laws that coherently includes it as an element belonging to a set from the attribution of a particular property or set of properties to that object or event. However, an argument is an expression by which you try to prove, disprove or justify a proposition or thesis.

Compare the Aztec and Inca societies with those of the Pacific islands. What were the similarities? What were the significant differences?


This empire is similar in terms of cultural practices.  Aztecs and Incas society doesn't give women the rights to play an important role to contribute for the tribe. Both empires are ruled by a tight and centralized society with an emperor. These two empires are also pretty different in terms of politics and economy. Aztec empire gives a high rank for the merchants to trade more than the Incas. Compare to Aztecs, Incas don't value the trades that was made by their merchants.

Final answer:

The Aztec, Inca, and Pacific Island societies had similarities in terms of agriculture, complex social structures, and religious practices. However, they differed in terms of political organization, writing systems, and architecture.



  • The Aztec, Inca, and Pacific Island societies were all agricultural civilizations that relied on the cultivation of crops such as maize, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.
  • All three societies had complex social structures with classes of rulers, priests, and commoners.
  • They all practiced various forms of human sacrifice as part of their religious rituals.


  • The Aztec and Inca societies were centralized empires with extensive political and military control, while the Pacific Island societies were more decentralized and organized into chiefdoms.
  • The Aztecs and Incas had sophisticated systems of writing and record-keeping, while the Pacific Island societies relied primarily on oral traditions.
  • The Aztec and Inca civilizations had monumental architecture and cities, while the Pacific Island societies had more modest settlements and structures.

Learn more about Comparing Aztec, Inca, and Pacific Island societies here:



Which part of the declaration of independece is most clearly an example of ethos?


It would be the very beginning of the Declaration of Independence that is most clearly an example of ethos, since the line "all men are created equal" is an appeal to ethics.