Which event was not related to anti-Vietnam war movement Democratic National Convection Violence. March of Washington. the kent state shooting ?


Answer 1
Answer: March of Washington had to deal with racial tensions in the south 
Answer 2
Answer: killing of the king and kennedy

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In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis exposed


Answer:  The book dramatized the awful living conditions in New York City slums in the late 1800s.


Jacob Riis was a police reporter in New York.  In 1888, Riis took pictures of what life was like in city's slums.  Using his own photos as well as photos gathered from other photographers, Riis began to give lectures titled, "The Other Half: How It Lives and Dies in New York," in which he would show the pictures on a projection screen and describe for viewers what the situations were like.  He gave his lectures in New York City churches.  In 1989, a magazine article by Riis (based on his lectures) was published in Scribner's Magazine.  The book version was then published in 1890 as How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York.

Riis blamed the poor living conditions on greed and neglect from society's wealthier classes, and called on society to remedy the situation as a moral obligation.

– In ‘How the other half lives’, Jacob Riis has highlighted the condition of the people living in the slum areas of ‘New York’ during the period of 1890’s.

Further Explanation:

‘How the other half lives’ is a publication of photojournalism in 1890’s by Jacob Riis and in this he has shown bad living conditions in the slums of New York. In this publication, Jacob Riis has shown the difference between the livelihoods of people of lower class as compared to people from upper class. It is widely known that in early 1900’s, USA was known as a promised state to do business and because of this many immigrants from Asia, East Europe and south Europe immigrated to USA to get settled and as many as 5 million immigrants entered USA during that period and majority of them went to New York which lead to increase of 25% of population for New York alone during that time. In this publication, Jacob Riis has highlighted the conditions of slums of New York such as miserable living condition in slum areas such as Spreading of diseases, safety for women, Dangerous unhygienic conditions and many other core issues were exposed by Jacob Riis in his publication. This publication made and impact and many steps were taken by the government in regards to improvement of conditions in the slum areas of New York. Jacob Riis was only the first one who exposed such an issue during that period.  

Learn more:

1. A main purpose of the president’s state of the union address is to? brainly.com/question/673180

2. The fourth amendment implies privacy because it protects the right? brainly.com/question/4468103

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Tenant System in New York

Chapter: Immigration

Keywords- Jacob Riis, New York, Tenant System,  Asia, East Europe, South Europe, Women Safety, 1890, Photojournalism, USA.  

After World War I, the enormous economic strength of the United States resulted in what?


After World War I, the enormous economic strength of the United states resulted in the dependence of most of the European nations on the loans from the United states. The United States economy started to flourish as soon as the war ended and the European nations required money to rebuild their economy.

The first nine amendments of the constitution deal with


The first amendment talks about the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition. The second talks about the right to bear arms. The third talks about restriction on the quartering of troops without the homeowner's consent. The fourth talks about protection and rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. The fifth talks about rights of people who have been criminally accused. The sixth amendment talks about the right to a speedy trial. The seventh amendment deals with the right of trial by jury in civil cases. The eighth amendment deals with prohibiting the federal government from imposing excessive bail, fines, and cruel and unusual punishment. The ninth amendment deals with rights retained by the people that are not enumerated in the constitution.

The first amendment talks about the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition. The second talks about the right to bear arms. The third talks about restriction on the quartering of troops without the homeowner's consent. The fourth talks about protection and rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. The fifth talks about rights of people who have been criminally accused. The sixth amendment talks about the right to a speedy trial. The seventh amendment deals with the right of trial by jury in civil cases. The eighth amendment deals with prohibiting the federal government from imposing excessive bail, fines, and cruel and unusual punishment. The ninth amendment deals with rights retained by the people that are not enumerated in the constitution.

Which of these measures did President Kennedy succeed in passing?A. Lower taxes
B. Federal aid for schools
C. Health care for all
D. Urban renewal


The correct answer is letter A. President Kennedy succeeded in passing lower taxes for his constituents. This is probably one of the most controversial moves he had made during his presidency where business tax and general income taxes were decreased. This is probably one of the angles that were looked at which were contributing factors to his assassination.


Urban renewal


During the Vietnam War, antiwar protestors believed that Nixon’s policy of Vietnamization


Though Vietnamization would mean withdrawal of U.S. troops and negotiations with the South, the U.S. would still train and equip the South and facilitate local elections in the country.  However his plan to bomb Cambodia once again came under fire from critics and South did poorly in its defense after the withdrawal.


did not end US involvement in the war quickly enough.
