Ms. Swati is working in an educational institution. She is searching on internet about ‘Elearning’. She wants to send the searched links using e-mail to her colleagues. Her email idis [email protected] the steps in detail enlisting the sequence she will follow for this
assigned task. Also write the components of her E-mail Address.


Answer 1
Answer: go to your email , start a new one, go to the website she wants to send copy it then paste it in the email. if she wants to send what she searched she could still copy and paste them into the email. if she knows how to login to her email to start the new email then she can do this. It also depends on if shes on a laptop or desktop computer. But it is only copying and pasting if that doesn't work then she could tell her colleagues what she typed in and where she typed it into and her colleagues will get the same thing she sees. but i suggest trying the copying and pasting first.

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Moon Questions? (diagram attached)1. Approximately how many nights during the month would an observer be able to witness a waxing gibbous phase?

2. A full moon occurred on December 21st. State the date of the next full Moon in January.

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1). The waxing gibbous phase represents the portion of the cycle of phases
during which the moon appears more than half but less than fully lit, and is growing
as time goes on. In the picture, it's everything from position-3 to position-5. It's
one fourth of the entire cycle, which is 7.4 days, so you'd see it on 7 or 8 consecutive
(The complete cycle of phases is 29.53 days.)

2). The complete cycle of phases is 29.53 days. Any phase visible on December 21
is visible again on January 19 or January 20.

3). From position-8 to position-5 in the picture is 5/8 of all the way around.
(5/8) of (29.53) = 18.5 days.

4). The locations of high- and low-tides on the Earth are influenced by the position
of the moon and the rotation of the Earth.

5). A lunar eclipse is the result of the moon sailing into the Earth's shadow.
The Earth's shadow is out behind it, opposite to the sun, toward position-5
in the picture, not position-4.

PLEASE HELP ME I WILL APPROVE!!!Which of the following best describes the difference between software and hardware?
A. Hardware is the outside of the computer; software is the material on the inside of a computer.

B. Software is the material produced by the computer like a business letter; hardware is the information in the computer.

C. Hardware is the equipment; software is the programs.

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C. Hardware is the equipment; software is the programs


C. hardware is the equipment; software is the programs


I am a genius

A Web site that has a posted privacy policy protects users froma. release of personal identification.
b. release of information on browsing history.
c. downloading of computer viruses.
d. use of information for marketing.


a.release of personal identification

What are candid shots? What are posed shots? Compare and contrast some of the advantages and disadvantages to these two approaches.


Candid Shots are those which are made  without the knowledge of the subject whereas Posed Shots have planned setting and subject knows that photo is being taken.
Advantages of candid shots are that they usually produce natural alive picture as people do not expect they are being captured. On the other hand, it can show person in awkward pose and spoil the shot.
Posed shots usually seem plastic.


Candid shots are shots that are taken without the knowledge of the subject. Which means posed shots are shots that have a planned subject and setting. Candid photos seem to be good because they can come out natural. And posed photos can come out decent and not baad. Though together they can both come out either plastic or just goofy looking.


Just did it. Got full credit. Wrote in own words. Shouldn't come out plagiarized. Hope this helped:)

What is the function of the modem?


A modem is the internal or external device its function is to transfer data over communication lines
modems use two different types of data transmission
synchronous and asynchronous
The functions of modem have changed over years it was first used for telegrams and to transmit data in 1950s. 
Modems were used with computers in  1977 for first time to transmit data between computers  firstly it was used for small amount of computers 
As modem improves day by day and were able to transmit information fastly between two or more hosts and the internet network slowly spreads
There are four types of modems ,
1 Fax Modems which solely transfer data between fax machines
2 The traditional ISDN modem
3 the Digital Subscribers Line
4 the Cable Modem
A modem is an external and/or internal device thats function is to transmit digital data over communication lines. Traditional modems used frequently with dial-up networks to change analog data from telephone lines into computer digital data. Broadband modems transfer digital data between digital devices, specifically two.

What should be used to screw on broadheads? needle-nose pliers gloves thumb and forefinger only specially designed wrench


You should use needle-nose pliers, or sometimes even specially designed wrenches to screw on broadheads. 

You should use needle-nose pliers, or sometimes even specially designed wrenches to screw on broadheads.

The needle-nose pliers are pliers used by technicians and artisans for holding and cutting work pieces. They are also known as long-nose pliers, snipe-nose pliers or pinch-nose pliers and are used mainly by electricians, computer networking engineers, designing jewelry .nose pliers or curved needle-nose pliers, have a curved beak.

Locking pliers offer versatility and convenience, allowing welders to hold fittings together with minimal effort and providing a steady grip that helps maintain the intended positioning throughout the welding operation. Their robust construction and ability to lock in place make them a reliable tool for holding fittings and maintaining the desired joint integrity during welding projects.

Learn more about locking pliers here: