What is this a model of​
What is this a model of​ - 1


Answer 1


An atom or, to be more specific, a helium atom.


This is a model of an atom. You can tell by the nucleus made only out of neutrons (the balls with no + or - sign) and protons (the balls with the + sign) and by the electrons (the balls with the - sign) circling around the nucleus.

This is a model of not just any atom, but a helium atom. An atom is defined by it's number of protons. For example, an atom with 1 proton is always hydrogen and an atom with 6 protons is always carbon. As you can see, this model has 2 protons. Any atom with 2 protons is a helium atom. This is a model of a helium atom.

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask my any questions if you are confused. Happy studying. Enjoy your thanksgiving. :)

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3Mg + Fe₂O₃ → 3MgO + 2Fe.


  • To balance the equation, you should apply the law of conservation of mass for the equations.
  • The law of conservation of mass states that the no. of each atom is equal in both sides (reactants and products).
  • The balanced equation is:

3Mg + Fe₂O₃ → 3MgO + 2Fe.

That 3.0 mole of Mg react with 1.0 mole of Fe₂O₃ to produce 3.0 moles of MgO and 2.0 moles of Fe.

  • The no. of all atoms is the same in both of reactants and products side.

Mg (3), Fe (2), and O (3).

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Physically you can break matter into 'Particles' . Chemically you can get down to 'Molecules' . using Nuclear Radiation you can get down to the 'Atomic' structure but as Philhoon said Hydrogn would be the simplest 'element you can divide matter into. your welcome

Final answer:

Matter when broken down into its simplest parts forms elements. These are pure substances that everything in the universe is composed of. The smallest unit of an element is an atom, and when two or more atoms combine, a molecule is formed.


When matter is broken down into its simplest parts, it forms elements. Elements are the pure substances that everything in the universe is composed of and they cannot be broken down further using ordinary chemical reactions. Examples of elements include hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, and iron.

The smallest unit of an element is an atom, which is made up of subatomic particles like protons, electrons, and neutrons. When two or more atoms combine, a molecule is formed. Molecules are the smallest particles of matter while still retaining their chemical properties.

Elements in nature are unique with specific chemical and physical properties. Currently, 118 elements are known, but only 98 occur naturally. The remaining are synthesized in laboratories due to their instability.

Learn more about Elements here:



In this redox reaction, identify the reducing agent.2MgO → 2Mg + O2









Reducing agent loses electrons

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