Pretend you are in Guatemala. You had to call home. In Spanish, tell the steps you followed to make the phone call, using the past tense. Include as many details as possible. You will be graded on accuracy and pronunciation.


Answer 1
Answer: Fui a buscar un teléfono público en la calle.

Vi el costo por minuto.

Saqué la cantidad de monedas que se me pedían para hacer la llamada.

Inserté las monedas en la ranura del teléfono.

Descolgué el teléfono.

Marqué el número de mi casa, tecleando los números en el teléfono.

Esperé a que contestaran.

Contestaron en mi casa e hice la llamada.

Cuando terminé de hablar, me despedí y colgué el teléfono.

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B. interact with others


What are three misconceptions typical tourist have about Mexican and the people there


think that people are bandits 
Think that people are fools. 
Think that Mexico is an USA colony. 
They think the people are bad, they think its a poor counrty

Many rural people haveO a variety of food to eat
O a high school education
O small families
O no running water and electricity



no running water and electricity


they live out of town so it is hard to get running water and electricity

No running water and electricity.

Los invitados llevan ______________a la boda. a. la comida
c. los regalos
b. la bebida
d. las decoraciones


c. los regalos- a la boda
C. Los regalos a la boda

? hay una glorieta en una comunidad que tu conoces?


Is there a roundabout in the community that you know

Which one is grammatically correct?Mi mamá va al zoológico.

Mi mamá va al el zoológico.

Mi mamá va zoológico.


mi mama va al zoologico, the first one
It would be the first one