Which people established the worlds first trading empire??


Answer 1
Answer: When I think of a trading empire, the first nation that comes to my mind are the Phoenicians. I don't know if they were the first to actually be considered to be a trading empire, but I do know they are the first to be called the GREATEST trading empire. The entire Phoenician kingdom was based on economic trades. Located near the Nile, exporting and importing were simple. This empire was also considered to be the first to trade purple dye, the color the Romans adopted as royalty.
Answer 2
Answer: China and Greece.Alexander the Great of Greece expanded the greek empire east while chinese Han Lui Bang's empire went west.The empires met and started the Silk Road a trading route.

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he was the longest emoror to reign over the ottoman empire is probably his most famous achievement, but he'd done so much that he's known for a cornucopia of various things such as military conquests, cultural pushes forward, his goldsmith abilities, etc.

( Please Help) The northern portion of Canada is covered by boreal forests, which are characterized byA) Replanted rows of oak trees.

B) thickly grown rain forests.

C) dense coverings of pine trees.

D) Sparsely placed deciduous trees.


The boreal forest is Canada’s largest vegetation zone, making up 55 per cent of the country’s land mass. It extends from the Yukon and northern British Columbia in the west to Newfoundland and Labrador in the east.
ps. i think the answer is in there

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?A. Three fifths of the starters on the basketball team are over six feet tall.
B. The park is one quarter mile up the road from the library.
C. William has raised over eighty five dollars for the charity event.
D. We diced one-half of that large tomato for the salad.


the correct ansewr is C

The Manhattan Project led by Robert Oppenheimer was part of the World War II effort to


The Manhattan Project led by Robert Oppenheimer was part of the World War II effort to beat the Axis powers by developing an atomic bomb that would quickly end the war. 

Answer: Who was Robert Oppenheimer?

A.  A general in the South Pacific  

B.  An investor in the war effort  

C.  A scientist who led the development of the atomic bomb  

D.  A leader in the French Resistance

The answer is C.  A scientist who led the development of the atomic bomb.


plate margins are places where much activity occurs. Earthquakes occur, for example, along convergent margins, where plates are\a.moving apart
sliding past each other
all of the above


im not sure if this is completely but i believe that it is C. sliding past each other, because when they press against each other they build tension, then when the slip past each other it creates tremendous force thus having earthquakes


C. sliding past each other


when convergent boundaries/margins occur, two plates meet and one plate slides under the other.

How was the United Nations formed and what was its purpose?


The United Nations was formed after World War II, after a mutual agreement that peace and order needed to be maintained between all countries. It's purpose is exactly that— to maintain international security and peace as much as possible.
Hello Snakelover3006112202,

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly connections among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. 
