Be sure to answer all parts. Styrene is produced by catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene at high temperature in the presence of superheated steam. (a) Given these data, find ΔH o rxn , ΔG o rxn , and ΔS o rxn at 298 K: ΔH o f (kJ/mol) ΔG o f (kJ/mol) S o (J/mol·K) Ethylbenzene, C6H5−CH2CH3 −12.5 119.7 255 Styrene, C6H5−CH=CH2 103.8 202.5 238 ΔH o rxn ΔG o rxn ΔS o rxn kJ kJ J/K (b) At what temperature is the reaction spontaneous? °C (c) What are ΔG o rxn and K at 600.°C? ΔG o rxn K kJ/mol × 10 Enter your answer in scientific notation.


Answer 1


a) ΔHºrxn = 116.3 kJ, ΔGºrxn = 82.8 kJ,  ΔSºrxn =  0.113 kJ/K

b) At 753.55 ºC or higher

c )ΔG =  1.8 x 10⁴ J

    K = 8.2 x 10⁻²


a)                                 C6H5−CH2CH3  ⇒  C6H5−CH=CH2  + H₂

ΔHf kJ/mol                    -12.5                           103.8                      0

ΔGºf kJ/K                        119.7                         202.5                      0

Sº J/mol                          255                          238                      130.6*

Note: This value was not given in our question, but is necessary and can be found in standard handbooks.

Using Hess law to calculate  ΔHºrxn we have

ΔHºrxn  = ΔHfº C6H5−CH=CH2 +  ΔHfº H₂ - ΔHºfC6H5−CH2CH3

ΔHºrxn =     103.8 kJ + 0 kJ  - (-12.5 kJ)

ΔHºrxn = 116.3 kJ


ΔGrxn = ΔGºf C6H5−CH=CH2 +  ΔGºfH₂ - ΔGºfC6H5CH2CH3

ΔGºrxn=   202.5 kJ + 0 kJ - 119.7 kJ  = 82.8 kJ

ΔSºrxn = 238 J/mol + 130.6 J/mol -255 J/K = 113.6 J/K = 0.113 kJ/K

b) The temperature at which the reaction is spontaneous or feasible occurs when ΔG becomes negative and using

ΔGrxn =  ΔHrxn -TΔS

we see that will happen when the term  TΔS  becomes greater than ΔHrxn since ΔS  is positive  , and so to sollve for T we will make ΔGrxn equal to zero and solve for T. Notice here we will make the assumption that  ΔºHrxn and ΔSºrxn remain constant at the higher temperature  and will equal the values previously calculated for them. Although this assumption is not entirely correct, it can be used.

0 = 116 kJ -T (0.113 kJ/K)

T = 1026.5 K  =  (1026.55 - 273 ) ºC = 753.55 ºC

c) Again we will use

                       ΔGrxn =  ΔHrxn -TΔS

to calculate ΔGrxn   with the assumption that ΔHº and ΔSºremain constant.

ΔG =  116.3 kJ - (600+273 K) x 0.113 kJ/K =  116.3 kJ - 873 K x 0.113 kJ/K

ΔG =  116.3 kJ - 98.6 kJ =  17.65 kJ = 1.8 x 10⁴ J ( Note the kJ are converted to J to necessary for the next part of the problem )

Now for solving for K, the equation to use is

ΔG = -RTlnK and solve for K

- ΔG / RT = lnK  ∴ K = exp (- ΔG / RT)

K = exp ( - 1.8 x 10⁴ J /( 8.314 J/K  x 873 K)) = 8.2 x 10⁻²

Answer 2

Final answer:

The change in enthalpy, entropy, and free energy were calculated for the dehydrogenation reaction of ethylbenzene into styrene. The reaction was found to be endothermic and results in a decrease in overall disorder. Under the given conditions, the reaction will never be spontaneous.


The processes involved in the production of styrene from ethylbenzene are fairly complex and require knowledge of thermodynamics. We'll begin with ΔH°rxn, which is found by subtracting the enthalpy (ΔH) of the reactants from that of the products: ΔH°rxn = [ΔH°f(styrene)] - [ΔH°f(ethylbenzene)] = 103.8 kJ/mol - (-12.5 kJ/mol) = 116.3 kJ/mol. This means the reaction is endothermic, as heat is absorbed.

The change in entropy ΔS°rxn, obtained likewise, is [S°(styrene) - S°(ethylbenzene)] = (238 J/mol·K - 255 J/mol·K) = -17 J/mol·K. This indicates a decrease in disorder in the system.

With these, we can calculate the change in free energy ΔG°rxn at a given temperature (T) using the equation ΔG°rxn = ΔH°rxn - TΔS°rxn. Substituting the known values at 298 K, ΔG°rxn = 116.3 kJ/mol - (298 K)(-17 J/mol·K) = 121.2 kJ/mol, indicating a non-spontaneous reaction.

For the reaction to be spontaneous, ΔG°rxn must be less than zero. Solving for T in the above equation with ΔG°rxn = 0, yields T = ΔH°rxn / ΔS°rxn = 116.3 kJ/mol / -17 J/mol·K ≈ -6840 K. This value is negative, implying the reaction is never spontaneous under the given conditions.

Learn more about Thermodynamics of Styrene Production here:


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