Impact of social media such as Facebook twitter etc. on our social life


Answer 1
Answer: In the last decade, social networking’s has been increased so quickly in our society. There are a lot of popular websites have got a lot of attention like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Because of these sites people have changed their attitudes in real life. Teenagers spent a lot of hours daily by chatting, sharing, playing and posting their own photos online. Although social networking made people to be in a better connecting, but that can have harmful side like cyber-bullying more than helpful side. First of all, it’s not an illusion, but social networking allowed people to have hundreds or even thousands of friends, without even knowing their names or see their faces. In fact, Face-to-face required in relationships to keep friendships stronger. In “You Gotta have Friends," Robin Dunber has explain how social networking has solved the way that we can be in contact with the others. Dunber explained, “Instant messaging and social networking claim to solve that problem by allowing us to talk to as many people as we like”, all at the same time. Honestly, that can harm our relationships because we are not giving all our attention to our real friends. For example, when your best friend have something important to say, and he recognized that you don’t have time for him because you’re busy with your other friends online. He will not going to talk to you anymore because you don’t care at all about him. Social networking can be very helpful in many cases, but if misused it can have very serious effects on our relationships. 
Secondly, social networking has changed how we communicate with our community. During the last decade, we can definitely agree that social networking let us speak less with our family or our community. Today, our fingers talk more than our mouths, by social media like Twitter and Facebook, and that will lead us to be a uncooperative community. While I watched “Connected, but alone?”

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b. scripts include more figurative language in order to make the writing feel surprising a new.
c. scripts include more detail descriptions because the director needs to know exactly what to include
d. scripts include more vivid detail in order to help the characters come alive in the readers mind





Scripts do include more general Description helps people see the details where fiction sometimes people can't tell, just had this question and A is correct




jus took the quiz

Match the term to the example(s).


Where are the terms and examples? Add them and then I can help you :)
Can you provide the terms and examples?

A. Dramaticb. Verbal
C. Situational
1. Saying someone is good at running, but is actually in last place.
2. A scary villain is hiding behind the door, but the protagonist doesn't know.
3. A grandmother skydiving
Value: 2
Match the items.



1. B  2. C  3. A


Saying someone is good at running but is actually in last place is very verbal. A scary villain is hiding behind the door, but the protagonist doesn't know. is Situational.  Grandmother skydiving is very dramatic


1. A.

2. B.

3. C.

Explanation: Just took the test

A conversation between two or more characters is calleddialogue


A conversation between two or more characters is as follows:
Lets look at our options. :)  A soliloquy is somewhat similar to an aside. Here are some tricks to help you figure this out. Think of the word soliloquy, what does solo mean? By itself. A soliloquy is a single character expressing his feelings. Lets look at Monologue, looking at the etymology of the word we see that mono comes from the Greek word 'monos' meaning alone, so we can conclude along with the definition of monologue that this also is not our answer. A narration is not communication between characters but description of what is occuring. Leaving dialogue as our answer, and we can confirm this is right by looking at the definitions.
If you have any other questions or would like further explanation just let me know! :)

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