Can I record a conversation in Arkansas?


Answer 1
Answer: no you cannot record a conversation in arkansas
Answer 2

Answer:In Arkansas it is a criminal offense to use any device to record communications whether it's wire, oral or electronic without the consent of at least one person taking part in the communication. ... This means that in Arkansas, you are legally allowed to record a conversation you take part in.

Explanation: hope this helped :)

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The major job of floor leaders is toA. oversee House sessions.
B. prevent filibusters.
C. veto bills.
D. gather party members' votes for
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The correct answer is D; Gather party members' votes for upcoming bills.

Further Explanation:

The floor leaders are voted into the position by their party members on the first day of their session. Each house has their own floor leaders. The floor leaders help to gather votes for their own party. Even though most of the politicians vote on party lines, many times they will vote for the other party during certain times. It is the leaders who will try to sway the voters to stay in line and vote for the party or sway the other side from voting with their party.

There are two floor leaders at all times. They are the majority and minor floor leaders. Which ever party has more members will be the majority with the lesser members having the minority role.

Learn more about floor leaders at


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The quakers is your answer


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Question #22When you approach an intersection with a green traffic light, you should
Choose an answer:
A. Approach at a speed that will allow you to
stop if the light changes.
B. Be ready to speed up if the light turns
C. Always slow down by a few miles per
hour, in case you need to stop.


Final answer:

When approaching an intersection with a green traffic light, the recommended procedure is to approach at a speed that will allow you to stop if the light suddenly changes. Speeding up when the light turns yellow or unnecessarily slowing can cause dangerous situations.


When you approach an intersection with a green traffic light, the safest procedure to follow is to approach at a speed that allows you to stop if the light changes. This is so because traffic lights can change abruptly, and it is essential to be prepared to stop. You should not speed up when the light turns yellow because this can lead to dangerous situations, including accidents. Similarly, it's not always necessary to slow down a few miles per hour as this might cause confusion to other drivers. Your choice should be based on safety, which in this case, is option A: Approach at a speed that will allow you to stop if the light changes.

Learn more about Green Traffic Light here:


How many years can a person serve as president



The Twenty-Second Amendment says a person can only be elected to be president two times for a total of eight years.


A person can only be elected to be president two times for a total of eight years.


U.S. presidents are limited to serving two elected four-year terms in the White House and as many as two years of another president's term. That means the longest any president could serve is 10 years, though no one has been in the White House that long since Congress passed the constitutional amendment on term limits.

2. Which of the following should NOT be included in an emergency kit?A. A blanket
B. A portable phone charger
C. A can of gas
D. Emergency numbers



C because it can be flammabale

Final answer:

The item that should NOT be included in an emergency kit is a can of gas, due to its highly flammable nature and potential to cause harm if improperly handled or stored.


An emergency kit is designed to help you survive for at least 72 hours in case of a disaster. While all of the items listed are important, one of them can actually cause more harm than good. Therefore, option C, A can of gas, should NOT be included in an emergency kit. It poses significant danger due to its highly flammable nature and the possibility of it leaking or exploding. While you would want resources for warmth and power, gas should be stored safely and securely, not within an immediate emergency kit that might be jostled, dropped or kept inside.

Learn more about Emergency Kit here:


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The Environmental Protection Agency is a United States federal government agency whose mission is to protect human and environmental health.

EPA, the environmental protection agency