Why are atoms always bonded


Answer 1
Answer: Atoms are always bonded so that nearby atoms have to form into a compound and can be classified into different forms of compounds or molecules. It is also integral in our everyday life.

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We also need the nitrogen intake


The nitrogen balance is the difference between the nitrogen intake and nitrogen excreted. If this calculation is positive, the body grow; if it is negative, the body is decreased.

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The correct answer is:

Electronegativity increases up and to the right


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List one extensive and intensive
property of marker ink



Intensive property: It is the property of substance which is independent of quantity of substance. Color of an ink is an intensive property.

Extensive property: It is the property of substance which depends upon quantity of substance which is just opposite to intensive property. Volume of an ink is an extensive property.

volume is an extensive property of a marker ink and color is an intensive property of a marker ink.

If the Kb of a weak base is 4.6 × 10-6, what is the pH of a 0.32 M solution of this base?


Assuming that the given base is a weak monoprotic base, the pH of the solution can be calculated as follows:

Write the balanced reaction and ice chart:

          BOH -->  OH- + B+

i           0.32        0         0
c            -x           x          x
e       0.32-x        x          x

Kb = x^2/ (0.32-x)
x = 1.21x10^-3 = [OH-]
pOH = -log[OH-] = -log[1.21x10^-3] = 2.917
pH = 14 - pOH = 14 - 2.917 = 11.08