Which of the following will NOT cause mass extinction?Drastic change in weather
Geological change
Both a and b
None of the above


Answer 1
Answer: Geological change will not cause a mass extinction, because it happens on a too big scale - on the scale of millions of years. During such long time, it is more likely that other causes will influence the survival of extinction of species, such as climate change or environmental disasters, and even if there is a small influence, it would not be significant next to other causes.

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Describe how potatoes and eggs might have been digested with the help of enzymes.​


Salivary amylase, an enzymesecreted with the saliva, acts at the long polysaccharide units that make up starch, to shape disaccharides known as maltose. The action of salivaryamylase keeps until the potato reaches the belly.

How are eggs digested?

The belly empties the chyme containing the damagedegg pieces into the smallintestine, where the general public of protein digestion occurs. The pancreas secretes digestive juice that consists of extra enzymes that in addition smash down the proteinfragments.

Digestive enzymes play a key position in breaking down the meals you eat. those proteins accelerate chemicalreactions that turn vitamins into substances that your digestivetract can take in. Your saliva has digestive enzymes in it. Some of your organs, consisting of your pancreas, gallbladder, and liver, additionally release them.

Learn more about enzymes here: brainly.com/question/1596855


The potato can make you feel at home in any part of the world. According to the International Potato Center, the potato is the third most grown crop in the world, with more than 300 million metric tons produced annually. The United Nations declared 2008 as the International Year of the Potato because of its importance in feeding the poor and hungry. If not deep-fried and loaded with butter or cheese, potatoes have a lot to offer nutritionally, and they are easy to digest as well.

Mendel’s pea plants had either purple or white flowers. This means that the plants


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have two alleles for the gene


Which cell has both a cell wall and a cell membrane?

please answer quickly its urgent



Plant Cell

contains both

Classify as man-made or natural extinction: PollutionNatural extinction


both because things like car emissions are man made but wild forest fires are natural but the smoke causes pollution as well

Answer: The answer is B), Man-made.


Organisms that feed on dead decaying matter are called?


The answer is detritivores. Detritivores (detrivores or detritus feeders) obtain nutrients by feeding on the dead decaying matter, such as decomposing plant and animal plants and feces. After the death of both producers and consumers, bacteria and fungi eat dead organisms and thus are classified as detritivores.

Final answer:

Decomposers, like specific bacteria and fungi, break down dead and decaying matter, recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.


Organisms that feed on dead and decaying matter are called decomposers. Examples of decomposers include certain types of bacteria and fungi such as mushrooms. These organisms are incredibly important for every ecosystem, as they break down dead material and waste products, turning them back into simple nutrients that other living organisms can use. This cycle of decomposition contributes to the ongoing process of nutrient cycling in nature.

Learn more about Decomposers here:



One group of students studied with the TV on. Another group of students studied in silence. Students were then given a quiz to check for understanding.What is the independent variable in this experiment and what is the dependent variable?



independent variable: studying atmosphere

dependent variable: understanding of quiz


The independent variable refers to the variables that are directly supplied by the researcher during the course of an experiment whose manipulatory effects are measured on the dependent variable. In other words, independent variables are variables that are directly manipulated during experiments.

The dependent variables on the other hand refer to the main variable a researcher sets out to determine during an experiment. The value of the dependent variable is determined by the inputted independent variable by the researcher.

In the illustration, the manipulated variable is the studying atmosphere of the students - silent atmosphere or atmosphere with the TV switched on. The main variable that the researcher wants to determine is the understanding of the given quiz.

Hence, the independent variable is the studying atmosphere of the students while the dependent variable is the understanding displayed by the student.