What causes the narrator to believe she has contracted rabies?She is bitten by her dog.
She experiences pain and tingling in her nose.
She hears a story about a woman who died of the disease.
She consults a doctor who confirms that she has symptoms of the disease.


Answer 1

The answer is definitely C. she read a story of a woman who died of rabies.

I just re-read the story to make sure that my answer is correct, and it is.

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A car broke ____________in the middle of the expressway causing a traffic jam.
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What is the pronoun in the following sentence? Whenever anthony goes out of town, the neighbors take care of his cat. A. Out B. Anthony C. His D. neighbors
Which sentence does not correct this run-on sentence? Kenny's dad has a collection of guitars sometimes he lets us play them.a. Kenny's dad has a collection of guitars; sometimes he lets us play them.b. Kenny's dad has a collection of guitars, and sometimes he lets us play them.c. Kenny's dad has a collection of guitars, sometimes he lets us play them.d. Kenny's dad has a collection of guitars. Sometimes he lets us play them.

At the same time, you can see very high price fluctuation in a short period of timeis the word (fluctuation) in the sentence seems to be an ADJECTIVE ?


verb=action (running, reading)
noun=place, person, or a thing (cat, america, person's name)
adjective=describing a noun (cute, friendly)
therefore, fluctuation in this sentence is a thing so it's a noun

Which of the following should you most likely include in an effective conclusion paragraph? a) Your list of works cited. b) A new and convincing piece of evidence. c) Your main piece of evidence, so your readers can see it again. d) A re-statement of your essay's main idea.





A conclusion paragraph should summarize your essay's main idea.

In order to become a better writer, you must read


Anything and everything that is written well. But it's not just reading- you need to study the craft of the writer- how they use foreshadowing, how they develop characters, how they use sentence structure to make the story flow or seem tense. Also, look for how they weave description into the story.
Novels, Nonfiction......Anything except magazines really

Hope this helped.

This vocal artist wrote politically-charged songs.Thomas Paine
Barry White
Bob Dylan
Dylan Thomas


Thomas Paine was one of the founding fathers of the United States, a revolutionary. 

Barry White was a grammy Award winning singer and songwriter, but he did not write politically charged songs. 

Answer: Bob Dylan wrote hundreds of songs in his time, and he is a artist who is still living today. He wrote a song called "Political World." 

Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet and writer from the early 1900s.

Apprehend : emancipate :: a. deflect : reflect
b. imply : know
c. mandate : authorize
d. reprehend : criticize
e. conceal : manifest


Since the words apprehend:emancipate are basically antonyms, they mean completely the opposite, (apprehend means to arrest, limit someone's freedom, whereas to emancipate means to liberate)  we need to find a pair of words which also have opposite meanings.
The correct answer is E) conceal:manifest. Conceal means to hide, and manifest to show, so you can see they are opposite.

How does Gandhi's use of language and the style of the letter give the viceroy an incentive to consider Gandhi's argument ?•Gonna Be Marked as Brainliest


Gandhis answer to this question establishes the reasons for his claim and that British rule should end
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