The two major styles of essay writing are informal and humorous. True/False


Answer 1




The correct would be Informal and Formal.

An informal essay is normally utilized in a business setting to give synopses of exchanges, systems and occasions. Formal essays, though, are almost constantly utilized in scholastic research. The essential contrasts between these two types are the tone of the composition and the structure of the essay.  

Answer 2
Answer: This is False! The two major styles of essay writing are Informal and Formal!

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Which additional word or words in the sentence should be capitalized?Do you think that most americans know the capitals of russia, brazil, and india?

Choose all answers that are correct.






b;american becase it cap American you talk about a place

Which words in the sentence are the adverb clause? Wait with your friend near the front of the store while I finish grocery shopping.
A.while I finish grocery shopping
B.near the front of the store
C.Wait with your friend


Adverb clauses answer the questions when, how, where, and why. It's easy to spot as it is usually preceded with a subordinating conjunction. Subordinating conjunctions include after, because, since, where, while, etc. Reviewing the choices:

(b) near the front of the store- near isn't a conjunction. It's an adjective
(c) wait with your friend- wait isn't a conjunction. It's a verb.

However, (a) while I finish grocery shopping is introduced by the subordinating conjunction "while". It is then the adverb clause of time.

What is entrepreneurship


An entrepreneurship means the act of creating a new enterprise and bearing any of its risks

What is an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur refers to a person that creates a new business amd bears most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards

In conclusion, an entrepreneur is the co-ordinating factor of a production as well.

Read more about entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business. Example- a startup company offering a product, process or service.

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1. to convince readers that practices that destroy coral reefs must be stopped inform readers about how the coral reefs are being destroyed

The article does both of these things. First the reader is informed about how the coral reefs are being destroyed. This helps the reader understand and know what is happening with the coral reefs and also why their destruction is so terrible. This in turn helps to convince the reader that practices that destroy the coral reefs must be stopped. By organizing the article in this way, the reader comes to his/her own conclusion that these practices could and should be changed.


A) and C)


Got this question right on Edge. Thank you MrsTate!

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By saying one word 5 times and then go to the next

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its d all of them because advertisment both express there company and help the newspaper attract new audience

Trust me it is not D. (a combination of all of these,) I tried that and got it wrong on the quiz. So the answer is B. They generate revenue and cover most of the cost of the newspaper staying in business.