It is clear from this law that the punishment for someone nottelling the truth in court was


Answer 1




Answer 2


harsh you would be thrown down a hill of rock if you live that would be pretty painful.


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Which does not describe a social problem the United States faced at the end of the Civil War? A. injustice and bigotry toward former slaves B. anger over women gaining the right to vote C. lawlessness in former Confederate states D. bitterness and blame over the war
Which of these statements about enslaved people is true? Check all of the boxes that apply.All enslaved people were considered property.Enslaved people could not be sold away from their wives and children.Enslaved people performed a wide variety of jobs.All Southerners favored slavery.please help!!!!
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What does the image above show? Why was the discovery of this object important?


Answers may vary, but should be similar to the following: This is the mask of King Tutankhamun. An excavation found the funerary mask of Tutankhamun, inlaid with stones and gold. The mask was found in the emperor's tomb. From this discovery, researchers, historians, and archeologist learned much about the Egyptian people and their culture.


Sample Response


This is the mask of King Tutankhamun. An excavation found the funerary mask of Tutankhamun, inlaid with stones and gold. The mask was found in the emperor's tomb. From this discovery, researchers, historians, and archeologist learned much about the Egyptian people and their culture.

What information from this document might be useful ifyou wanted to explain why the British supported
imperialism? Select all that apply.
I was in the East End of London yesterday and attended a
meeting of the unemployed. I listened to the wild
speeches, which were just a cry for "bread! bread!" and
on my way home I pondered over the scene and I became
more than ever convinced of the importance of
imperialism. My cherished idea is a solution for the social
problem, i.e., in order to save ... the United Kingdom
from a bloody civil war, we colonial statesmen must
acquire new lands to settle the surplus population, to
provide new markets for the goods produced in the
factories and mines. The Empire, as I have always said, is
a bread and butter question. If you want to avoid civil
war, you must become imperialists.
-Cecil Rhodes,
They wanted lands to settle the extra population.
They wanted to find better farmland to grow wheat
for bread.
They wanted new markets for English goods.
They wanted to avoid civil war.
They wanted new areas to build factories.



1, 3,  and 4


Final answer:

The British supported imperialism to settle surplus population, create new markets for goods, and prevent civil war, highlighting economic and social motivations for empire expansion.


The document from Cecil Rhodes provides insight into why the British supported imperialism. Rhodes believed that new lands needed to be acquired to help solve social problems in the United Kingdom, such as unemployment and the threat of civil unrest. According to the document, the British saw imperialism as a way to settle the surplus population, to create new markets for British goods, and to avoid potential civil war. These reasons underscore the economic and social motivations behind the British empire's expansion.

How did people become slaves in ancient greece


Slaves were either born into slavery by being the child of two slaves, orphaned/abandoned by their parents and raised by someone who claimed them as a slave, taken prisoner in war when their city was conquered by another state, or their parents may have even sold them to pay off debts!
Hope that I helped!

Answer: There were many different ways in which a person could have become a slave in ancient Greece. They might have been born into slavery as the child of a slave.

What was the Panic of 1819?a. Fear of invasion by Mexico
b. Concern over the outbreak of war with France
c. a major economic crisis involving bank failures, foreclosures and unemployment
d. Fear of a massive slave uprising



C. A major economic crisis involving bank failures, foreclosure and unemployment.

How much people is in this world


There are about 7 billion people. including you. feel special.
7.4 billion people on the planet 

Explain the 2 pros and 2 cons of having only three requirements to be president of the United States


The requirements of a candidate who’s goal is to become president is:

•be a natural-born citizen of the United States
•be at least 35 years of age
•be a resident of the United States for at least 14 years

The pros of this are that the age requirement was set in to place because the Founding Fathers believe that a middle aged person has fully developed and matured. And that’s true (but not all the time). The requirements also do not eliminate any person of any race or religion or sexual preference from becoming president. Any one can become president!
The cons of this are that it kind of excludes immigrants who dream as serving as president as this requirement was put into place so as not to be influenced by foreign administration.
I only have two pros and one con, sorry...